
关于”三月三“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:March 3rd。以下是关于三月三的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”三月三“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:March 3rd。以下是关于三月三的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:March 3rd

March 3rd is a traditional festival in China. It is a day to worship the God of Kitchen and drive away all the bad luck from the previous year. People will clean their houses, buy new clothes, and make dumplings to celebrate. It is also a day for couples to express their love to each other.


On this day, many activities are held across the country, such as dragon and lion dances, boat races, and throwing colored . It is a lively and joyful celebration that brings people together.


March 3rd is not only a festival for the Chinese people but also a part of our cultural heritage. Let us cherish and pass it on to the next generation.







March 3rd

March 3rd, also known as "Spring Outing Festival," is a traditional Chinese folk festival. This holiday is usually held on the third day of the third lunar month, and it is also a symbol of spring.

On this day, people usually choose to go to parks or countryside for outing and activities such as admiring flowers and scenery, picnicking, and so on. At the same time, people also hold traditional customs such as ancestor worship and praying for a good harvest.

March 3rd is a day full of joy and peaceful emotions, and it also carries gratitude for one's homeland and ancestors. This festival also reflects the Chinese people's love for nature and life, and the concept of harmony between humans and nature.


March 3rd

On March 3rd, I woke up early in the morning full of energy. It was a special day for me because it was my best friend's birthday. I had been planning a surprise party for her for weeks.

After freshening up, I quickly got dressed and prepared all the decorations and gifts. I wanted everything to be perfect for my friend's special day. I also baked a delicious chocolate cake, her favorite.

In the afternoon, I invited all our close friends to my house for the surprise party. They all arrived with smiles on their faces, excited to celebrate our friend's birthday. We had a great time chatting, laughing, and playing games.

When my friend arrived, we all shouted, "Happy birthday!" She was genuinely surprised and couldn't hide her excitement. She was touched by the effort we had put into her day special. We sang the birthday song and she blew out the candles on the cake.

After enjoying the delicious cake, we exchanged gifts. My friend loved the gift I got her, and I was glad to see her happy. It was a day filled with joy and love. We made wonderful memories that we'll cherish forever.











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