
关于”统考多少分“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:How many points are there in the unified examination?。以下是关于统考多少分的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”统考多少分“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:How many points are there in the unified examination。以下是关于统考多少分的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How many points are there in the unified examination?


How Many Marks Will English Composition Earn?


In English class, writing compositions is one of the tasks teachers often require students to complete. However, for a student, how can they earn more marks in English composition? Here are some key points that I have summarized.


Firstly, the correctness of grammar and spelling is an indispensable element in compositions. Students should make efforts to avoid simple grammar and spelling mistakes. Using the correct tense and grammatical structures is crucial in writing.


Secondly, the richness of vocabulary is also one of the important criteria for scoring. In order to make compositions more vivid and diverse, students need to accumulate more vocabulary. This can be achieved by reading English books, newspapers, magazines, and actively partiting in English oral communication.


Furthermore, logic and coherence are also important considerations for scoring. Compositions should have a reasonable structure and coherence. By using appropriate transitional words or phrases to connect each paragraph, the logical relationship of the article becomes clearer.


When writing, students should pay attention to the diversity of expression and style. They can try using various sentence patterns to avoid the monotony and repetition of sentence structures. At the same time, students can also make their compositions more profound and thoughtful by quoting famous sayings or raising questions.


Finally, readability and fluency are equally important for compositions. Students need to ensure that their articles are smooth and coherent, them easy for readers to understand. By revising and polishing their compositions multiple times, the readability of the composition can be enhanced.


In conclusion, the marks for an English composition depend not only on the correctness of grammar and spelling but also on the richness of vocabulary, logic and coherence, diversity of expression and style, as well as readability and fluency. Only by excelling in these aspects can a student truly achieve a high score.









The English composition in the unified examination is usually divided into six levels, which are A, B, C, D, E, and F.

A-level: There are no obvious errors in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. The expression is clear and the ideas are coherent. There is a strong ability to use language. Generally, the score is above 80.

B-level: There are a few errors in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, but they do not affect understanding. The expression is basically clear, the ideas are basically coherent, and there is a good ability to use language. Generally, the score is between 70 and 79.

C-level: There are some errors in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, which may affect understanding. The expression is generally clear, and the ideas are sometimes slightly incoherent. The ability to use language is weak. Generally, the score is between 60 and 69.

D-level: There are many errors in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, which affect understanding. The expression is not clear enough, the ideas are not coherent, and the ability to use language is poor. Generally, the score is between 50 and 59.

E-level: There are many errors in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, it difficult to understand. The expression is ue, the ideas are chaotic, and the ability to use language is very poor. Generally, the score is between 40 and 49.

F-level: There are numerous errors in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, it impossible to understand. The expression is unclear, the ideas are chaotic, and the ability to use language is extremely poor. Generally, the score is below 40.


How to Score Well in English Composition


English composition is an essential component of language learning. It not only tests our writing skills but also helps us to effectively communicate our thoughts and ideas. The question that often arises is, "How many points should I aim for in my English composition?" In this article, we will discuss the key aspects that contribute to a high-scoring English composition.


Firstly, a well-structured essay is crucial. Start with an engaging introduction that clearly states your main idea or argument. Use appropriate linking words and phrases to guide the reader smoothly through each paragraph. Ensure that your paragraphs have a logical flow and maintain a clear focus. Finally, conclude your composition by summarizing your main points and leaving the reader with a thought-provoking ending.


Secondly, vocabulary and grammar play a significant role in scoring well. Expand your vocabulary by consistently reading English texts and make a habit of learning new words. Use varied sentence structures and pay attention to subject-verb agreement, tenses, and word order. Avoid repetitive words or phrases and demonstrate your ability to use complex sentence constructions appropriately.


Additionally, clarity and coherence are essential in your composition. Articulate your thoughts clearly so that the reader can easily follow your argument. Use transitional expressions to provide a smooth flow between sentences and paragraphs. Avoid excessive use of jargon or technical terms, and ensure that your ideas are well-organized and logically connected throughout the essay.


Lastly, revise and edit your composition before submitting it. Check for spelling and punctuation errors, grammatical mistakes, and coherence of ideas. Make sure that your ideas are well-supported with appropriate examples or evidence. Edit for clarity and precision, eliminating any unnecessary or repetitive information. A well-polished composition will always have a higher chance of scoring well.


To conclude, aiming for a high score in English composition requires attention to multiple aspects. A well-structured essay, proper use of vocabulary and grammar, clarity and coherence, and thorough revision are key factors that contribute to a successful composition. By practicing these skills and incorporating them into your writing process, achieving a top score becomes an attainable goal.






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