
关于”美猴王“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The English translation of 美猴王 is Beautiful Monkey King.。以下是关于美猴王的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”美猴王“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The English translation of 美猴王 is Beautiful Monkey King.。以下是关于美猴王的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The English translation of 美猴王 is Beautiful Monkey King.

Monkey King, also known as monkey king, is a major character in the Chinese classical novel Journey to the West. Monkey king was also found in many later stories and adaptations. He was a monkey born of stone.

He rebelled against heaven and was imprisoned by the Buddha at the foot of the mountain. He obtained supernatural power through Taoist cultivation. Later, he accompanied monk Xuanzang to India for Buddhist scriptures.

Wukong has great power, He can easily lift his heavy stick. He is also very fast. He can run kilometers and miles in a somersault.

The sun knows how to change, which makes him able to transform into various animals and objects. But he has encountered difficulties in transforming into other forms, because his tail is not completely deformed. Monkey King is a skilled fighter, and he has the ability to fight against the sky Every hair of the best warrior has magical properties.

It can be transformed into the monkey king's own clone, and / or into various weapons, animals and other objects. He also knows incantations, which can direct the wind, divide the water, summon the demon protection circle, and freeze human beings, demons and gods. This is one of the oldest literary figures in China.

The monkey king has rich culture Background and rich and colorful cultural history, some scholars believe that the monkey king is not only influenced by the Hindu god Hanuman in Ramayana, but also influenced by Chinese folklore.



万能作文模板2:美猴王的英文翻译是Beautiful Monkey King。

The Monkey King is a famous character in Chinese literature. He is known for his rebellious spirit and mischievous behavior. In the novel "Journey to the West," the Monkey King accompanies the monk Xuanzang on his journey to India to retrieve Buddhist scriptures. Along the way, he uses his powers to fight evil and protect his companions.

The Monkey King is also known as Sun Wukong in Chinese. He is a clever and powerful character who uses his wits and strength to overcome challenges. He is often portrayed as fearless and invincible, but he also has a mischievous side. He enjoys playing tricks on his enemies and teasing his friends.

One of the most famous stories about the Monkey King is his battle with the Jade Emperor. The Monkey King challenges the emperor's authority and is punished for his disobedience. However, he is able to escape from his imprisonment and gain even more power.

The Monkey King is a beloved character in Chinese culture. He represents the spirit of rebellion and the power of independence. He is an inspiration to many people who want to stand up for what they believe in and overcome adversity.







Monkey King, also known as Sun Wukong, is a famous character in Chinese literature. He is the protagonist of the classical Chinese novel "Journey to the West" and is regarded as a hero in Chinese culture.

Monkey King was born from a stone and possessed incredible strength, intelligence, and magical abilities. He was curious and mischievous, and often caused trouble for the gods and mortals alike. In his journey to seek enlightenment, he became a disciple of the Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang and accompanied him on his journey to retrieve Buddhist scriptures from India.

Throughout their journey, Monkey King faced many challenges and obstacles, but with his quick wit, bravery, and magical powers, he was able to overcome them all. He defeated numerous demons and monsters, and even challenged the gods in heaven. In the end, he achieved Buddhahood and was awarded the title of "Victorious Fighting Buddha."

The story of Monkey King has been widely popular in China and has been adapted into various forms of media, including TV dramas, movies, and animated series. Monkey King is not only a cultural icon in China, but also a symbol of bravery and perseverance for people around the world.









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