a diary英语作文_高中高分英语作文2篇

关于”a diary“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A diary。以下是关于a diary的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

a diary英语作文_高中高分英语作文2篇

关于”a diary“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A diary。以下是关于a diary的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A diary

I went to KTV with some good friends this evening. This is my first time to KTV. At first, I didn't want to go.

I was in a bad mood all afternoon because I didn't do well in the KTV math exam. Everyone was very happy to sing his favorite song. Except me, I was the only one who didn't dare to go to KTV.

I was afraid that I could not sing well. With the encouragement of my classmates, I was in a bad mood, I picked up the microphone and sang an English song "I believe I can fly". Now that I'm optimistic, I don't believe that the most important chance for me to recover is to lose my confidence.




As we all know, we should read more books. It can broaden our horizons and help us become better people. Once I read a book, it touched my heart.

The book tells readers how to find our own advantages and accept our shortcomings. I don't try to be myself and learn to grow up gradually.



满分英语范文3:a diary

Yesterday, our class went out for a picnic. We had a good time, just like me. But today was a bad day.

Because everything was not normal in the morning, my alarm clock didn't ring, so I woke up an hour late. I was in a hurry. I burned my hand when I was breakfast.

Then I ran out of my house to catch the bus. This is the bus I usually take, but there is no doubt about it, I missed it. I was not happy, and I was afraid, because my teacher hated students being late, so I ran three miles to school and found no one there.

The school is quiet, but it's quiet. Our claoom was finally locked and I realized it was Sunday. I was such a fool.







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