a dream英语作文_高中万能英语作文5篇

关于”a dream“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A Dream。以下是关于a dream的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

a dream英语作文_高中万能英语作文5篇

关于”a dream“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A Dream。以下是关于a dream的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A Dream

(dream and reality) sometimes, when you look deep enough, the real and rational things seem to have nothing to do with your most precious dreams. If you can't dream, what's the point of paying attention to the actual things? If you don't pay attention to the practical problems, how can you hope to realize your dreams? Don't worry that what you have to do will interfere with what you want to do. Discover, appreciate and strengthen the connection between the two.

Make your dream a part of your reality. Make your reality a part of your dream. There is no reason to let your dreams run counter to reality.

Combine them to improve your dreams and your reality. Apply the power of passion to today, wisely and realistically Put the power of reality into your dreams, and you will find that it is indeed a successful combination.




(Dream Every year in different countries around the world, a few people win huge prizes in the lottery. People always dream of winning millions of dollars in the lottery overnight. People often wonder what they will do if they win so much money.

They have a lot of different ideas. Some people say they will give money to charity. Others say they will give most of their money to some of their people Out of everything they had to buy one night, three friends were talking about what they would do if they won millions of dollars.

"The first man asked the other two," if you wake up one morning and you've won 50 million dollars, "two of his friends thought for a moment, and one of them said," I'll buy the biggest house in the world, or I'll be in a different part of the world Buy a few houses so I can go and live anywhere I like. They all have to have beautiful scenery. Of course, I will hire hundreds of servants to take care of me and take care of all my beautiful gardens, "another said." I will travel around the world with my life.

I will go to Africa, North America and South America. Throughout Europe and wherever I want to go, I will stay in the best hotels. I will only eat the most expensive food and wear the best clothes.

" The two turned to their friends and he asked them a question: "what about you? What would you do if you woke up one morning and found yourself winning 50 million dollars? " The man said with a smile, "Oh, I'm a greedy man. I'll go back to sleep and try to win another 50 million.".


(Dream Win)每年在世界各地的不同国家,少数人在彩票中赢得巨额奖金人们总是梦想着一夜之间中百万美元的彩票人们经常想知道如果他们中了这么多钱他们会怎么做他们有很多不同的想法有些人说他们会把钱捐给慈善机构其他人说他们会把大部分钱捐给他们的一些人列出了他们一天晚上要买的所有东西三个朋友在谈论如果他们赢了几百万美元他们会怎么做“第一个男人问另外两个,“如果你一天早上醒来发现你赢了五千万美元,”他的两个朋友想了一会儿,其中一个说:“我会买世界上最大的房子,或者我会在世界不同的地方买几栋房子,这样我就可以去任何我喜欢的地方居住。他们都必须有美丽的景色,当然,我会雇佣数百个仆人来照顾我,照顾我所有美丽的花园,”另一个说,“我会用我的一生环游世界我会去非洲,北美和南美,在整个欧洲和任何我想去的地方,我会住在最好的旅馆里,我只吃最贵的食物,穿最好的衣服。”两个人转向他们的朋友,他问了他们一个问题:“那你呢?如果有一天早上你醒来发现自己赢了五千万美元,你会怎么办?”那人笑着说,“哦,我是个贪婪的人,我会回去睡觉,争取再赢五千万。


满分英语范文3:a dream

When I was learning English, I didn't know why I wanted to learn English. But when I was in high school, my English teacher showed me a lot about foreign countries. Then I knew what foreign countries looked like.

They were so different from China. The world was so big that I would travel abroad one day. I want to see other countries and get in touch with their traditions I am very interested in culture.

I know our country's culture very well. I want to know more about places outside China. I know Paris is very fashionable.

Egypt is an ancient city with famous towers. Venice is a water city. All these are very interesting for me.

English is the basic tool for me to communicate with the world. So I must learn English well and earn enough money To realize my dream.






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