
关于”学的烦恼“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The trouble of learning。以下是关于学的烦恼的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”学的烦恼“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The trouble of learning。以下是关于学的烦恼的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The trouble of learning








The Frustration of Learning English

Learning English is a great choice, but sometimes it can be frustrating for me. Firstly, unciation is a challenge for me as a native Chinese speaker. It is difficult for me to accurately produce certain phonetic symbols in English. Sometimes, I feel very embarrassed because I worry that others may not understand what I'm saying.

In addition, English grammar confuses me. Unlike Chinese, English has many complex grammar rules, and these rules often have exceptions. I often mix up verb tenses and sentence structures, which troubles me in learning English.

Furthermore, improving my spoken English is also a problem that frustrates me. Despite knowing a large number of words and grammar rules, I still find it difficult to express my thoughts fluently in actual conversations. This makes me feel very discouraged because I want to be able to communicate with others in English.

However, despite these frustrations, I understand that learning English is a long-term process. To overcome these difficulties, I need to put in more effort and patience. I can improve my unciation and speaking skills by listening and speaking more. At the same time, I will continue learning and consolidating grammar rules to better apply them. I believe that as long as I persist, my English proficiency will definitely improve.

In conclusion, although learning English can be frustrating, I will not give up because of it. I will face problems actively and try my best to overcome difficulties because I know that mastering English will be of great help to my future.


I am a college student. This is my fourth year in college, which means that I will graduate soon. Many of my classmates have taken action to look for job interview.

But I told myself to calm down. In fact, I don't know my future, so I didn't take action. When graduation season comes, students should worry about their work.

For me, I have a lot of trouble Annoyed, first of all, I don't know which city I should go to. I want to stay in the city where I live now, because I have many college students here. I can fight with them for my career, and we can have a drink when we have time.

On the other hand, if I want to stay in this city, it means that I must stay away from home. I want to stay with my family, my parents I want to see me, I want to accompany them, and working in my hometown is a perfect idea for me. Now I don't know how to choose.

Once I make a decision, I have to give up something, then I can make the best choice. I can't find a job interview.




When we were young, we were eager to grow up, so that we could break free from the dogma of our parents, and even left them far behind from childhood. We had to accept the instruction of teachers in school and endure the rambling talk of parents at home. These are the troubles of our growth.

In addition, learning, friendship, and sometimes campus love may trouble us, but as we grow up, we gradually find that the things mentioned above are not painful at all. For example, our brother, we may not be sensitive to simple happiness, and gradually lose our happiness, so we can hardly laugh from our heart. However, no matter what happens in our growing process, they are all part of our life.

We must accept them actively, and do not let pain hinder our happiness.






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