
关于”医疗保健是否应该免费“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Should healthcare be free?。以下是关于医疗保健是否应该免费的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”医疗保健是否应该免费“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Should healthcare be free。以下是关于医疗保健是否应该免费的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Should healthcare be free?

Medical Care Should be Free






Medical care is something that everyone needs, but some people still cannot enjoy this service because of the high cost. In order to ensure that all people can get the necessary medical security, I think medical care should be free.

Firstly, medical care is a basic human right. Everyone should have the right to access necessary medical services, and should not be deprived of this right due to economic conditions. If medical care is free, then everyone can get the same service and will not be denied necessary treatment due to poverty.

Secondly, the high cost of medical care is also one of the roots of social problems. If some people are unable to receive medical services due to poverty, then they may become more sick and weak, and thus create more burden on society. If medical care is free, then everyone can get necessary treatment, reducing the burden on society.

Finally, free medical care can also promote fairness. In the existing medical system, the rich can get better medical services, while the poor often can only get basic treatment. If medical care is free, then everyone can get the same service, eliminating social class differences.

In summary, medical care should be free. We must strive to ensure that everyone can get necessary treatment, creating a fairer and healthier society.


Medical Care Should Be Free


Medical care is an essential part of people's lives. However, in some countries, the cost of medical care is a burden that people cannot afford. Therefore, medical care should be free.


Firstly, free medical care can ensure that everyone has access to medical services. Without free medical care, people who cannot afford medical expenses will not be able to receive timely treatment. This will lead to the spread of diseases and the worsening of symptoms, which may result in larger social issues.


Secondly, free medical care can alleviate the financial burden on families and individuals. Many people have to deal with medical expenses when they fall ill, which can lead them into poverty. If medical care is free, people will no longer have to worry about medical expenses and can seek treatment without any concerns.


Finally, free medical care will help to reduce the cost of medical care. Due to medical expenses, many people have to postpone medical treatment, which ultimately leads to higher medical costs. If medical care is free, people will be more likely to receive timely treatment, which will help to reduce the cost of medical care.


In conclusion, medical care should be free because it helps to ensure that people have access to medical services, alleviate financial burdens, and reduce the cost of medical care.




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