
关于”基本词汇“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Basic vocabulary。以下是关于基本词汇的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”基本词汇“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Basic vocabulary。以下是关于基本词汇的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Basic vocabulary

Some unpleasant things happened on our way to the beach in the morning. When we were waiting to buy train tickets at the railway station, a bus driver came up and told us that he would also go to the beach. The bus was very cheap.

We felt that there was air conditioning on the bus. When we had a pleasant conversation on the road, the bus suddenly stopped and the driver said he needed to It took two hours to fix the engine. He turned off the air conditioner.

In fact, it took him four hours to finish his work. We spent the whole morning sweating in the hot weather. 2 I'm an active boy and I talk.

When I talk to friends, I'm always ready to express myself except listening. I'm not afraid to tell others that I think I'm usually The focus of attention, because I often have a lot of ideas that everyone is interested in. People should share and exchange ideas with each other.

But when I am with quiet people, I feel the air is frozen. I always try to find a topic and start such a dialogue. People will like me, and in a word, they will feel happy.

I am optimistic and positive. I can let everyone Be as confident as I am: first, second, third, first, then / next, after / next, finally for one thing, on the other hand, besides, now, now, now, recently, after, after, after, after that, after that, after a few days, at the beginning, at the beginning, later, later, at the end, immediately, soon, suddenly, suddenly, at that moment As long as this moment starts from now, from then on, at the same time, at the same time, until, not until, before, after, when, at the same time, such as period:.




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1. fundamental - 基本的,根本的

2. essential - 必要的,基本的

3. significant - 有意义的,重要的

4. crucial - 至关重要的,关键性的

5. primary - 首要的,主要的

6. secondary - 次要的,辅助的

7. necessary - 必要的,必须的

8. important - 重要的,重大的

9. relevant - 相关的,有关的

10. pertinent - 相关的,切题的

11. appropriate - 合适的,适宜的

12. applicable - 适用的,可应用的

13. suitable - 适合的,合适的

14. feasible - 可行的,能实现的

15. reasonable - 合理的,合乎情理的





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