
关于”一话题总结“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:A summary of a topic。以下是关于一话题总结的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”一话题总结“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:A summary of a topic。以下是关于一话题总结的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A summary of a topic

Last weekend, my father and I went for a walk in people's Park. They found a girl crying on the side of the road. We went up to her and asked her what her name was and where she lived, but the girl knew nothing about it, so we had to take her to the police station in the park, where she was taken good care of and broadcast the news of the missing girl.

After a while, the girl's parents came and they were very happy to see their children and thank me and my father Then we said goodbye to each other.




Cooking is a process of preparing food by heating, selecting, measuring and combining ingredients to produce safe and edible food. The process involves a variety of methods, tools, and ingredient combinations to change the flavor, appearance, texture or digestibility of food. The results include the diversity of ingredients, environmental conditions, tools, and individual practical cooking skills.

The diversity of cuisine worldwide reflects the diversity of aesthetics, agriculture, economy, culture, society and religion, and is spread across all ethnic groups, races, creeds and ministries all over the world A food is usually, though not always, chemically altered to change its flavor, texture, consistency, appearance, and nutritional properties. At least from the millennium BC, people began to use the cooking method of boiling liquid in containers. With the introduction of pottery, the most traditional clothing for cooking is a.

So far, there is no clear evidence about when cooking was invented. Richard Langham thinks that cooking was invented millions of years ago, and other researchers believe that cooking is the latest or the least Invented years ago, wildfires triggered by lightning strikes are still common in East Africa and other wilderness areas, and it's difficult to determine when fires were used to cook, rather than just to warm or repel predators. Most anthropologists believe that cooking fires really started a few years ago, when ancient stoves, earthen stoves, burned animal bones and flint appeared in Europe and the Middle East millions of years ago.

The only sign of fire was the earth burned by human remains. Most anthropologists believe that this is coincidence rather than evidence of intentional fire.





This exam, I finally poor, I began to self-examination, I have a good reason to test always very nervous and anxious, this time I came up with several ways to answer questions, do not rush to write, first in the draft paper to list the main steps to solve the problem, and then step by step, do not ignore every detail, try to answer each question is too full, pass Often do some different types of questions, most of which will be more familiar, must get the paper, do some exercises in mind, I think if I can do what I mentioned above, these points, I will try to test the error to the minimum. Therefore, I will try to do the above points, but I only want to rely on the above points is not enough, I have a few points with the science test The first point is that the examination paper should be evaluated as a whole. Second, it is easy to get the test paper from a simple topic.

The third point is that you can't write the words right away when you encounter a problem, And ignore the other questions, should be finished before trying to do the question, answered the fourth point: after the examination, check carefully to see if you have copied wrong questions, the next exam, I will try to do the best.







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