
关于”4级“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Level 4。以下是关于4级的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”4级“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Level 4。以下是关于4级的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Level 4

Explanation: in this section, you can write a composition in a few minutes. The topic is: what should children do in their spare time? You should write at least a few words based on the following outline (in Chinese): what should children do in their spare time? Many parents send their children to various cl in their spare time. These cl can be divided into two categories: first, in school subjects, their purpose is to consolidate and enrich the knowledge learned by children in school through more clarification and practice; second, to cultivate children's interest through class, such as English class, dance class, etc.

it has become a controversial issue for children to have cl in their spare time. Some people think it is beneficial for children Long term interests can stimulate children's interest and broaden their horizons. Those who oppose it think that children are deprived of their free time.

They are not interested. Therefore, they become mechanical learners. At the cost of their own interests, I think children should have the right to enjoy their childhood and have the right to play, but they must be guided by their parents.

Some courses are It is necessary because parents have sufficient reasoning ability and experience to prepare their children for the future, and their interests and abilities are different. However, these courses should be fresh and can attract children's interest rather than too much.




There is nothing more important than + V. It is too much to protect our eyes. It is undeniable that our quality of life is deteriorating.

It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. There is no doubt that our education system needs to be improved. The advantage of using solar energy is that it will not produce any pollution.

This is why We have to plant trees because they can provide us with fresh air / the reason why we have to plant trees is that they can provide us with fresh air, so time is so precious that we can't waste it.




University pressure I see that there are two kinds of pressure on college students today: financial pressure and parental pressure. It's easy to look for rebels everywhere, accusing universities of charging too much, parents pushing their children too far, but there are no rebels, only victims the pressure is heavy for students who just want to graduate and find jobs. If I were an employer, I would rather hire graduates with this breadth and curiosity than those who narrowly pursue safety subjects and high grades I know some students who are hard to calculate.

Their curiosity makes me happy. I like to listen to their ideas. I don't know whether their grades are a or C.

I don't care. I also like them because the country needs them. They will find satisfactory jobs.

I tell them to relax. They can't and can't blame them for living in a cruel economic environment. For a student, even if he works part-time in the University and works full-time in the summer vacation, in order to increase the loan after graduation and encourage him to go to the world, how can he not feel that the whole university has pressure to prepare for the day's liquidation? With the increase of economic pressure, the pressure of their parents is increasing.

Both of them are deeply integrated poor students. They fall into an old network of love, responsibility and guilt. Parents mean good: they try to guide their sons and daughters to a safe future, but their sons and daughters want to major in history, classics or philosophy, without "reality" What are the rewards of the humanities? It's not easy to convince loving parents that the humanities do pay off the intellectual abilities that have been developed through learning subjects such as history and classical literature, but it is these abilities that make creative leaders in business or almost any other field.

Fortunately, most of them entered their field indirectly, which surprised them. After going through many detours, the students were shocked. They could hardly imagine a career not planned in advance.

They could hardly imagine that God's hand or opportunity could push them to some unforeseen path.


大学压力我看到当今大学生身上有两种压力:经济上的压力,父母的压力。人们很容易四处寻找叛逆者,指责大学收费太高,家长把孩子推得太远,但没有反叛者,只有受害者 压力对那些只想毕业找工作的学生来说是沉重的如果我是一个雇主,我宁愿雇用有这种广度和好奇心的毕业生,而不是那些狭隘地追求安全科目和高成绩的毕业生我认识一些难以计算的学生,他们的好奇心使我感到高兴我喜欢听他们的想法的发挥不知道他们的成绩是A还是C,我不在乎我也喜欢他们,因为国家需要他们,他们会找到令人满意的工作我告诉他们放松他们不能,也不能责怪他们他们生活在残酷的经济环境中。对一个学生来说,即使他在大学兼职,在暑假全职工作,为了在毕业后增加贷款,鼓励他走向世界,他在前进的过程中已经落后了,他怎么能不感到整个大学都有压力去准备这一天的清算呢?随着经济压力的增加,父母的压力越来越大,两人都是深度融合的贫困生他们陷入了一个古老的爱、责任和负罪感的网中,父母的意思是好的:他们试图引导他们的儿子和女儿走向一个安全的未来,但是他们的儿子和女儿们想主修历史、经典或哲学,没有“实际”价值的学科人文学科的回报在哪里呢?要说服这样的人并不容易有爱心的父母认为,人文学科确实能为通过学习历史和古典文学等学科而培养出的智力能力带来回报,但正是这些能力造就了商业或几乎任何一般领域的创造性领导者。





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