




The present transitional words have first started in recent years, followed by similar adjuncts. For example, in other words at the same time, but in another case, the opposite situation will eventually continue. Therefore, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, In general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, in general, grammar and language quality, if you do not comply with the instructions, you may lose points now, because I think there are two coins in one thing, and there are A lot of people.




We can see the influence of computer on writing ability. From left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a computer. This shows the development of people's writing style.

Under each word, there are two Chinese characters with obvious handwriting meaning. The two characters under the computer are not as beautiful as others. This means that with the popularity of computers, people's writing ability has declined The picture brings us a question: after the popularization of computers, are we going forward or backward.

There is no doubt that because of the convenience brought by computers, our life has become easier. People rely on computers too much. Without computers, it is difficult to do things well, which leads to the degradation of some abilities, such as writing ability and communication ability.

In this sense, computers make us shocked by the problems reflected in the pictures. As far as I am concerned, we should do something to prevent the side effects of computers. We should limit the time we spend on computers and try to form good habits in our spare time.




As we all know, books are close friends of human beings. There is no doubt that books can enrich our thoughts, enlighten our spirit and enhance our life. However, people hold different views on borrowing books or buying books.

Some people prefer to buy books. Although some people think highly of borrowing books, I think the more reasonable view is that, as the famous philosopher Bacon said, we need to buy and borrow books. Some books are worth tasting, others need to be swallowed and some books to be chewed and digested are different types, So we get these books in different ways, such as leisure novels and entertainment stories.

I prefer to borrow them. They can not only save us money, but also save us a lot of time and improve our reading ability efficiency. Because the borrowed books usually have a deadline, which forces us to finish them in a limited time.

But for those books that are borrowed, they can not only save us money, but also save us a lot of time Books that need to be chewed and digested, such as classical literature and textbooks, I like to buy them. Compared with borrowing books, buying them can give us more . We can keep books as we like.

Moreover, we can make any notes in the margin. In short, whether to buy or borrow books depends on what kind of books. The most important thing is not how we get them, but me How do we find pleasure in reading.






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