




At the zoo, David's family visited the zoo on Sunday. They bought a family ticket for five dollars at the gate, and then they joined the crowd that was pouring into the cage. "We have to see the big animals first," the father said.

"The feeding time is three o'clock." Let's look at the birds first. Susan said, "some parrots are very talkative. Soon, they came to the birdhouse, and the first bird they saw was talking.

Then they went across the house and came to a lake. David said, "the big white birds in the water have long necks. They swim around the house next door.

They look so elegant. A huge roar tells them that they are lucky to arrive at feeding time when they enter the house. They see the old man Tigers and lions howl because of hunger.

"Let's see how they eat," father cage howled elegantly.





My friend and I went to Mucha zoo last Sunday. On the way to Mucha in Taipei, it took us about 40 minutes to get there. There is a big McDonald's near the zoo.

There were so many people that we spent some time buying tickets. There are many vendors selling toys and puppets at the entrance. We looked at the moss and went into the zoo.

Many parts of the zoo, such as bird world, animal area, Peng Kun's house and koala's house, just follow the crowd and take away the lovely animal parrots: there are some other people who are lazy, just like hippies. It's sunny day, so we rest under the trees because the weather is too hot. We visited all the areas and I like all the animals in the zoo except some crazy monkeys.

I am most interested in the night animal house. I usually like to see the animals because I think they are cool and beautiful, like owls. Another reason why I like the animal house at night is that it's cool, but everything smells a little bit.

We leave the zoo at night and there are many people outside. I hope I can come back as soon as possible, because I think this is a very interesting place.







Last Sunday, my family and I went to Baoding zoo. We didn't buy tickets. We saw monkeys, tigers, zebras and many other animals.

I really like monkeys. Because monkeys are very flexible, we feed black bears, and the animals in monkey zoo are very good, because the teacher told us that there is a place to protect my favorite animals.






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