
关于”跳蚤市场“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:flea market。以下是关于跳蚤市场的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”跳蚤市场“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:flea market。以下是关于跳蚤市场的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:flea market

Customer: how much is this? Shopkeeper: you have good taste. It's a very old vase. It's very valuable.

But since it's you, I only charge you forty dollars. Customer: forty dollars, I think it's too expensive. Host: it's not expensive.

My price is reasonable. Customer: you can't give me a discount. This vase is very old with some cracks at the bottom.

You are very lucky to be sold. You can't say that, although this vase is very old, it is very valuable. The porcelain of this vase is of good price and quality.

Customer: would you like to reduce the price? I'm sure I can find a similar vase somewhere. Elisona: Well, that's my bottom line. I'll charge you $32.

Customer: if you're not satisfied, we'll set it at $30. Let's call this deal the owner: OK, fine $30, deal client: This is money boss: Thank you, come again.





Flea Market


A flea market is the perfect place to find unique and interesting items. It's a treasure trove of secondhand goods, antiques, and quirky trinkets. From vintage clothing to handmade jewelry, there's something for everyone at a flea market.


What sets flea markets apart from other shopping destinations is the sense of adventure they offer. You never know what you might find at a flea market. It could be a vintage typewriter, an antique teapot, or even a rare first edition book. The possibilities are endless.


In addition to finding unique items, flea markets are also an opportunity to meet interesting people. The vendors at flea markets are often passionate about their products and can offer insights into the history and culture behind them. It's a chance to learn something new and connect with others who share your interests.


If you're looking for a fun and adventurous shopping experience, head to your local flea market. You never know what treasures you might discover.



flea market - 跳蚤市场

secondhand - 二手的,旧的

antique - 古董

quirky - 古怪的

trinket - 小装饰品

vintage - 复古的

typewriter - 打字机

teapot - 茶壶

first edition - 第一版

opportunity - 机会

passionate - 热情的

insight - 见解

connect - 连接

treasure - 珍宝


A flea market is a place where people can buy and sell second-hand items. It is a popular event on many college campuses, providing students with an opportunity to clean out their dorm rooms and make some extra cash.

At a campus flea market, you can find all sorts of items for sale, including clothing, textbooks, electronics, and furniture. Some sellers even offer handmade crafts and artwork. The prices are often much lower than retail, it a great way to save money while finding unique items.

Partiting in a campus flea market can be a fun and rewarding experience. You can meet new people, make some money, and possibly even learn some valuable sales skills. It is also a great way to promote sustainability by reducing waste and encouraging reuse.

Overall, a campus flea market is a great way to bring the community together and provide a platform for students to exchange goods and ideas. Whether you're a buyer or a seller, it's worth checking out the next time one is held on your campus.









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