
关于”求助信“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A letter seeking assistance。以下是关于求助信的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”求助信“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A letter seeking assistance。以下是关于求助信的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter seeking assistance

Dear uncle, one of my classmates will hold an English speech contest in the city next week. I will represent my school. I am very excited, but also very happy, because this is a good opportunity to improve my English level, but I have no experience.

Although I have been preparing for the competition, as an English expert, I still have no confidence. What can you suggest I do for the competition? I plan to visit you this Saay morning. I wonder if you are free.

If not, can you tell me when it is convenient for you? I'd love to have your guidance and I'll thank you for any help your niece, bayberry.


亲爱的叔叔,下星期我的一位同学将在城里举行一场英语演讲比赛,我将代表我的学校参加。我很兴奋,但也很高兴,因为这是一个提高我英语水平的好机会,但我没有经验,虽然我一直在准备比赛,作为一名英语专家,我仍然没有信心,你能建议我为比赛做些什么准备?我计划这个星期六早上去拜访你我想知道你是否有空如果没有,你能告诉我你方便的时间吗?我很想得到你的指导我将感谢你的任何帮助 你的侄女,杨梅。


English Composition: Letter Seeking Help






Dear Teacher/Friend,

I hope you can help me with some questions regarding English composition. I am an English student and have recently encountered some difficulties in my writing.

Firstly, I often find it challenging to organize my essay structure effectively. I struggle to have a clear introduction, appropriate arguments, and a solid conclusion. Sometimes, I lose track of my thoughts during the writing process, resulting in chaotic essays. Do you have any methods or techniques that can help me better organize my essay structure?

Secondly, I also have issues with my word choice and sentence construction. I often find myself stuck in using simple sentences and basic vocabulary, lacking diversity and richness. I wish my compositions could be more lively and interesting, but I'm unsure of how to select appropriate words and sentence structures. Could you give me some advice?

Lastly, I aim to improve my writing skills. Besides practicing writing regularly, do you have any other suggestions or recommended resources? For example, are there any good writing websites or reference books that can help me further enhance my writing abilities?

Thank you very much for your assistance! I believe with your guidance and advice, my English writing skills will surely improve.


[Your Name]


(a letter for help) dear uncle, are you ok? Next week, one of my classmates will hold an English speech contest in the city. I will represent my school in the contest. I am very excited, but also very happy, because this is a good opportunity to improve my English level, but I have been preparing for the competition, but I have no experience.

As an English expert, I still have no confidence. What do you suggest I do for the game? I plan to visit you this Saay morning. I want to know if you are free.

If not, can you tell me the time convenient for you I'd like to get your guidance. I'll be very grateful to your niece, bayberry.






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