
关于”制定计划表简单“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Creating a schedule is simple。以下是关于制定计划表简单的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”制定计划表简单“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Creating a schedule is simple。以下是关于制定计划表简单的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Creating a schedule is simple







Making an English Learning Plan

In our daily life, plans are very important. It can help us accomplish tasks more effectively and improve our productivity. Particularly in the process of learning English, a plan is very important. Here, I will introduce how to make an effective English learning plan.

Firstly, clarify your goals: Determine the level of English you want to achieve. This will help you make a suitable plan and focus more on achieving your goals.

Secondly, make a feasible schedule: Based on your daily schedule, make a schedule for daily and weekly English study. This will help you better organize your time and study English more purposefully.

Thirdly, choose the appropriate learning method: Different people have different learning methods. So, you need to choose the appropriate learning method according to your own learning style. For example, if you like listening exercises, you can listen to recordings or watch English movies to improve your listening skills.

Finally, stick to your plan: In the process of learning English, it is very important to stick to your plan. If you cannot stick to your plan, then your English level will not be effectively improved.

In summary, a plan is very important. If you can make an effective English learning plan according to the above steps, then you will gain great harvest and achievements in the process of learning English.



A timetable is an important tool for organizing our daily activities. It helps us to manage our time efficiently and ensures that we are able to complete our tasks on time.

In the morning, I usually wake up at 7 o'clock. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I have breakfast at 7:30. From 8 to 12, I attend my cl at school. During this time, I study various subjects such as math, science, and English. At 12 o'clock, I have lunch with my friends in the school cafeteria.

In the afternoon, I have some free time from 1 to 2:30. During this time, I usually take a short nap or read a book. From 2:30 to 4:30, I partite in extracurricular activities such as playing soccer or learning to play a musical instrument. At 4:30, I return home and have some snacks.

In the evening, I spend some time doing my homework from 6 to 7. Then, I have dinner with my family at 7:30. After dinner, I relax for a while by watching TV or playing video games. At 9 o'clock, I take a shower and get ready for bed. I usually go to sleep around 10:30.

Having a well-planned timetable helps me to balance my academic and leisure activities. It ensures that I have enough time for studying, exercising, and spending time with my family. By following my timetable, I am able to make the most of each day and accomplish my goals.








A Daily Schedule

My typical day starts at 7:00 am when I wake up and get dressed. I usually have breakfast at 7:30 am, which includes a cup of coffee, a bowl of cereal, and some fruit. Then, I leave my house at 8:00 am and walk to work.

I work from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, with an hour lunch break at noon. During lunch, I usually go for a walk or grab something to eat with my colleagues.

After work, I like to go to the gym or attend a yoga class at 6:00 pm. This helps me keep fit and reduce stress. I usually finish my workout by 7:30 pm and head back home.

At home, I have dinner at 8:00 pm, which is usually a simple and healthy meal. Then, I watch TV or read a book for a while before going to bed at around 10:00 pm.

That's my daily schedule, which helps me stay productive and balanced.











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