




Title: The Changes of People's Daily Activities During the Pandemic


The chart below shows the changes of people's daily activities during the pandemic.


As we can see from the chart, people spent more time at home during the pandemic. The time spent on work and study has increased, while the time spent on leisure activities such as shopping and traveling has decreased significantly. In addition, people spent more time on social media and entertainment.


This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the pandemic has limited people's mobility and social interactions. To prevent the spread of the virus, people have to stay at home as much as possible and avoid unnecessary outdoor activities. As a result, they have more time to focus on work and study, and they have to find ways to entertain themselves at home.


In conclusion, the pandemic has had a significant impact on people's daily activities, forcing them to adjust their lifestyles in order to adapt to the new situation. It remains to be seen whether these changes will become permanent or temporary.











Instruction D: Statistics on quality of life in five countries are presented in the table below. Write a report for a university lecturer with the following table: national per capita GNP: US dollars) per capita daily calorie supply life expectancy at birth (years) infant mortality rate (per live birth) Bangladesh Bolivia Egypt Indonesia United States of America this table shows the living standards of five selected countries using four broad economic indicators It includes the most developed countries in the world, as well as some less developed countries. Statistics show that the United States is one of the richest countries in the world, with the highest gross national product and daily calorie intake, the longest life expectancy and the lowest infant mortality rate.

The quality of life in other developing countries is significantly lower. The index ranges of Egypt, Indonesia and Bolivia are similar. The quality of life in Egypt is the highest among the three countries, but the infant death rate in Egypt is the highest The death rate is slightly higher than that of Indonesia.

Of all four indicators, Bangladesh has the lowest per capita mortality rate and its GDP is only 1% of that of the United States. Bangladesh's per capita daily heat supply and life expectancy at birth are half that of the United States, and its infant mortality rate is several times that of the United States. In short, from the economic indicators, we can see that these four developing countries need more development to achieve the same quality of life as the United States.

The United States has the responsibility to help other countries develop their economies and improve people's living standards.







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