




At the beginning of the summer vacation, I went back to my hometown. Of course, I had to make good use of it. I review my lessons in the morning, read newspapers or magazines, play ball games with my friends in the afternoon, and go fishing in the river in the evening.

I watched TV with my family, and the clock on the wall hardly struck ten when I went to bed.




My favorite program news report has always been my favorite TV program. Almost every night I turn on the TV and wait for the news program, which has become a part of my life. News report contains a lot of information from the international political situation to the latest football match.

The most important feature is its fast pace. Because of this fast pace, news programs can contain a lot of information in a short time Information, I think news report is not only a TV program, it is a way of communication from this program, people can understand and understand world affairs, the world has become smaller and smaller, I especially appreciate the benefits of watching news.




In the past, my hometown was very small. I used to live in a small town surrounded by trees. There were no high-rise buildings.

The only street was very narrow. Just outside the town, there was a river. You can see all kinds of fish swimming in the clear water.

At that moment, people here lived a simple life. Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big shops and factories everywhere All kinds of cars and buses run on the broad streets, but with the development of industry, our trees are less and less, air and water pollution is more and more serious.

We must take measures to prevent pollution and make our town more beautiful.






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