
关于”生活中的逻辑“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Logic in life。以下是关于生活中的逻辑的四年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”生活中的逻辑“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Logic in life。以下是关于生活中的逻辑的四年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Logic in life

One night, an elderly African American woman was standing on the edge of an Alabama highway trying to endure a violent rainstorm. Her car broke down and she needed a car badly. She decided to stop and help her next Kara young white man - often unheard of in those conflict ridden conflicts - who took her there and the security staff helped her and put her into a taxi.

She seems very busy. She wrote down his address, thank him, and drove away. Seven days later, someone knocked on the man's door and surprised him.

A huge color TV was delivered to his home. I got a special note. Thank you for helping me on the highway.

For a few nights, the rain not only soaked my clothes, but also soaked my spirit. Because of you, I was able to walk to my dying husband's bedside. May God bless you to help me, to serve others selflessly and sincerely.

Mr. Cole, the king of the United States - pica in Africa, whipped desperately, soaked my soul five.







When he saw a Jaguar coming from the neighborhood, he saw a Jaguar speeding by. He saw a Jaguar coming from a nearby car. He felt that his car was driving fast.

A brick hit Jag's side door. He slammed on the brake and drove to the place where the brick had been thrown. He jumped out of the car, grabbed a child, pushed him into a parked car and yelled, "what's going on here? Who are you? What the hell are you doing? " It made him furious, and he went on to say, "that's a new car.

The brick you threw costs a lot of money. Why do you do that?" Izzie: please, sir, please, I'm sorry, I don't know what else can confuse this young man: "it's my brother," he said. "He rolled off the side of the road and fell off his wheelchair, and I couldn't help him up.

He whimpered, and the boy asked the manager," can you help me get him back into the wheelchair? He was injured, too heavy for me ": the driver was too excited to speak, trying to swallow a swelling lump in his throat. He helped the young man back to his wheelchair, took out his handkerchief, wiped off the bruises and cuts, and checked that everything was going to be OK. "Thank you, sir, God bless you," the grateful child said to him, and then he watched the little boy push his brother onto the sidewalk toward home: it was a long, long, slow walk back to his Jaguar, and he had never repaired the side door He left a dent to remind him not to go so fast that someone had to throw bricks at him.

To get your attention, leopard life sometimes whispers in your soul, sometimes talks to your heart, and when you don't have time to listen, life throws bricks at your head. It's your choice: listen to the whispers of your soul or wait for the brick to arrive: you Sometimes life is too fast to ignore the people you love and make them wonder if you really love them.




After several months of negotiations with the Russian authorities, a tamudan from Odessa was allowed to visit Moscow. He boarded the train and found an empty seat at the next station. A young man got on the train and sat next to him.

The scholar looked at the young man and thought that he certainly didn't look like a farmer. If he was not a farmer, then he might come from this area. If he came from this area, he must be Jewish, because after all, this is a Jewish district.

On the other hand, if he was Jewish, where would he go? I am the only Jew in our region who is allowed to go to Moscow. But just outside Moscow, there is a small village called samway. Jews do not need special permission to go there.

But why does he want to go to samwaite? He may visit a Jewish family there, but there are only two Jewish families in samway, the Bernstein family and the Steinberg family. He can't visit the Bernstein family, because a beautiful person like him must visit the Steinberg family, but why should he go to the steinbergs and have only a daughter, so he may be theirs Son in law, but which daughter did he marry? They say that Sarah married a good lawyer in Budapest, Esther married a businessman from Zhitomir, so it must be Sarah's husband, which means that if I'm not mistaken, his name is Alexander Cohen, but if he's from Budapest, with all the anti Semitism, he must have changed his name to Cohen Kovats in Hungarian, But if they allow him to change his name, he must have some special identity. It may be a doctor in the University.

The scholar turns to the young people and asks you how Dr. Kovacs is. Well, thank you, sir.

But how do you know my name? Oh, in reply to the Talmud, it is obvious.






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