




Guide: for a study, please fill in the pie chart carefully and write a short passage about words in a few minutes. B your article must be written neatly on the answer sheet C. your article should meet the requirements.

Describe the pie chart, explain the possible benefits of investment, and suggest measures to help attract foreign investment from different countries and regions to Beijing, Hong Kong, Japan and other countries Since China opened to the outside world in 197926, China has made remarkable achievements in attracting foreign investment in joint ventures. The investors of different enterprises come from countries and regions. Hong Kong's investment ranks first, accounting for 5% of Japan's total investment, and the third is the United States.

Every percent of the total, it is generally believed that Beijing has benefited a lot from external investment and established a large number of joint ventures In order to attract foreign investment, Beijing enjoys the same preferential policies as coastal open cities. Therefore, the high-tech enterprises in Beijing will develop rapidly On the other hand, we should make special efforts to improve the investment environment. On the other hand, we should take advantage of this opportunity to effectively operate the current foreign-invested enterprises.




Explanation: read the chart carefully and write a short passage about words in a few minutes. Your article must meet the following requirements. Write the information conveyed by the chart, yze the strange phenomena and give your comments.

As shown in the figure above, the average price of eggs has been rising from to, and the demand is also rising. The chart also shows that the price of eggs from to According to the law of market economy, the increase of demand leads to the rise of price, that is to say, when the price rises, the demand decreases, when the price falls, the demand increases. But in reality, the reason for this strange phenomenon is obvious.

From to, with the development of China's socialist market economy, people's income will increase On the other hand, when the demand for eggs reaches a certain level, it stops growing, because people begin to spend more and more money on clothing. It is generally believed that tourism expenses account for a large part of the total consumption of our people. Therefore, we should pay more and more attention to tourism As far as China is concerned, the decline in demand for eggs in the same period seems reasonable.

With the continuous development of domestic poultry industry, the price of eggs may drop, because the demand for eggs is limited, and the decline of consumption is inevitable.




Title: The Internet Usage in China




The Internet has become an indispensable part of modern life, connecting people from different parts of the world. In this essay, we will yze a chart that provides insights into the Internet usage in China.




The chart ilrates the percentage of the Chinese population using the Internet from 2000 to 2019. In the year 2000, only 2.1% of the Chinese population had access to the Internet. However, this percentage witnessed a significant increase over the years. By 2019, the number of Internet users in China had reached 61.2%.


Looking closely at the chart, we can observe that the Internet usage in China experienced steady growth from 2000 to around 2008. During this period, the growth rate was relatively slow. However, starting from 2009, the percentage of Internet users increased at a much faster pace. This can be attributed to various factors, such as the government's efforts to improve Internet infrastructure, the rise of affordable smartphones, and the availability of diverse online services and applications.


Furthermore, the chart reveals a gender difference in Internet usage. In each year, the percentage of male Internet users is higher than that of females. This gap is more ounced in earlier years but tends to narrow down over time. This indicates that efforts have been made to bridge the gender digital divide and promote equal access to the Internet for both genders.




In conclusion, the chart clearly demonstrates the significant growth in Internet usage in China from 2000 to 2019. The continuous efforts in improving Internet infrastructure along with the accessibility of affordable devices have contributed to this remarkable increase. It is essential to continue bridging the gender gap and ensure equal opportunities for all individuals to access and benefit from the Internet.





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