
关于”给父母的建议信“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A letter of advice to parents。以下是关于给父母的建议信的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”给父母的建议信“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A letter of advice to parents。以下是关于给父母的建议信的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter of advice to parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope this letter finds you both in good health and spirits. As your child, I want the best for you both and I have some suggestions that I think will help.

Firstly, I believe that both of you should make a conscious effort to prioritize your health. This means eating healthy, exercising regularly, and going for regular health check-ups. I know that you both have busy schedules, but taking care of your health is important in the long run.

Secondly, I believe that you should both take some time off to relax and pursue your hobbies. I know that you have dedicated your lives to taking care of us, but it is now time for you to take some time for yourselves. Pursuing your hobbies will not only help you relax, but also give you a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

Lastly, I want to suggest that you both plan for your retirement. This may seem like a long way off, but it is important to start planning for it now. This includes saving up for retirement, investments, and planning for your future living arrangements.

I hope that you will consider these suggestions and take them to heart. As your child, I want you both to be happy and healthy, and I believe that these suggestions will help you achieve that.


[Your Name]










We can live in this beautiful and beautiful world, because our parents moisten our hearts with the sunshine of "love", moisten our hearts with the rain of "love", touch our hearts with the spring breeze of "love", and with the careful care of our parents, we can thrive. In this world, the most selfless and loving eyes belong to all parents, even if we grow up Adults are still children in their parents' eyes. Even if we travel thousands of miles, we can't get out of their parents' eyes.

After reading "parents" written by Uncle Xing Tao, we really realize that our parents can spend their heart, exhaust their financial resources and pay for our children in silence. They never return to "father". The name "mother" is the most important thing for our parents Cordial efforts, a lot of energy, we should start from today, from now on, learn to be grateful to parents, to make a little contribution to grateful parents, a person should fulfill his commitment, a responsibility should be undertaken, an eternal truth, an indomitable Road, not to walk or retreat faith.




给父母的建议(Advice to Parents)









Dear Mom and Dad,

I would like to take this opportunity to give you some advice, hoping that it can help you become better parents. As children, we hope to establish a closer relationship with you and receive your support and guidance throughout our growth process.

First and foremost, communication is key. Please try to listen to our needs and thoughts. We need your understanding and respect. Try to give us space so that we can express our desires and ideas. We hope to engage in sincere conversations with you, rather than just arguments or orders.

Secondly, time is important. Please spend more time with us. Work is important, but please do not overlook our presence. Whether it's playing with us or helping us solve problems, it makes us feel loved. Remember, we also need your attention and companionship.

Next, provide support. Please believe in our abilities. When we encounter difficulties, please do not rush to solve them for us, but instead give us encouragement and guidance. Encourage us to try new things and believe that we can succeed. Your support will inspire our motivation and self-confidence.

Lastly, respect is crucial. Respect is the foundation of a good relationship. Please respect our privacy and personal space. We also hope to be respected and understood. Please do not be overly critical or demand perfection from us. Accept our uniqueness and guide us onto the right path.

Dear Mom and Dad, I believe that if you can adopt these suggestions, our relationship will become more harmonious and intimate. Thank you for your constant efforts and care.


Your son/daughter




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