
关于”与老师产生分歧“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:To have a disagreement with a teacher。以下是关于与老师产生分歧的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”与老师产生分歧“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:To have a disagreement with a teacher。以下是关于与老师产生分歧的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:To have a disagreement with a teacher

In my study, my English and Chinese are very good, but sometimes I find it difficult to learn mathematics and physics, but my parents think I am very smart, and I should be the top student in every subject in my daily life. They always give me anything I want, but they don't respect me at all. They often look at my diary behind me, every time I come back late Yes, they will be angry with me, which makes me very depressed.




I was very unhappy this afternoon. I stepped into my room and closed the door. I was so angry, so sad, for the millionth time, my parents and I didn't agree on the question of asking me to tutor me.

My father insisted that if I didn't take math and English cl, I would fail the exam, be kicked out of the school and starve in the street. This is unfair. Why can't I get good grades through my own efforts and ability.




I once had a disagreement with my English teacher over the topic of censorship in literature. We were discussing a novel that I had read before, and I brought up the fact that it was banned in certain countries because of its controversial themes. My teacher argued that censorship was necessary in order to protect young people from harmful ideas, while I believed that it was important for literature to challenge and provoke thought.


We had a heated debate in class, and both of us presented our arguments with strong conviction. In the end, we had to agree to disagree and move on to the next topic. However, this experience made me realize the importance of expressing and defending my own beliefs, even if they differ from those of authority figures such as teachers.


I learned that it is okay to question authority and challenge the status quo, as long as it is done respectfully and with valid reasoning. It is through healthy debate and discussion that we can learn and grow as individuals, and ultimately make informed decisions about our beliefs and values.


In retrospect, my disagreement with my English teacher was a valuable learning experience that allowed me to expand my perspectives and develop my critical thinking skills.






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