
关于”我的令人烦恼的公寓“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My annoying apartment。以下是关于我的令人烦恼的公寓的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”我的令人烦恼的公寓“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My annoying apartment。以下是关于我的令人烦恼的公寓的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My annoying apartment

My Annoying Apartment

Living in an apartment can be both convenient and frustrating. Unfortunately, I have been experiencing a lot of frustration in my current apartment. Let me share some of the things that bother me the most.

Firstly, the noise level is unbearable at times. My apartment is located near a busy street, and the constant traffic noise is a constant annoyance. Horns blaring, engines revving, and sirens wailing are all part of the daily soundtrack of my life. It becomes especially frustrating when I am trying to relax or concentrate on something important.

Secondly, the lack of privacy is also a major issue. The walls in my apartment are paper-thin, and I can hear everything my neighbors say or do. Whether it's their loud conversations, arguments, or even their music and television, there is no escaping the constant intrusion into my personal space. It feels like I am living in a fishbowl where my every move is on display.

Furthermore, the maintenance of the building leaves much to be desired. The elevators frequently break down, leaving me to climb multiple flights of stairs with heavy groceries or belongings. The common areas are often dirty and unkempt, with trash piling up and unpleasant odors lingering in the air. It is frustrating to see the lack of care and attention given to the appearance and upkeep of the building.

Lastly, the lack of parking is a constant headache. As a resident, I am entitled to a parking spot, but it seems that there is never enough space available. I often find myself driving around in circles, desperately searching for a spot, or having to park far away from my building and walk a considerable distance. It is both time-consuming and inconvenient.

In conclusion, my current apartment has become a source of frustration in various aspects. The constant noise, lack of privacy, poor maintenance, and parking issues all contribute to my dissatisfaction. I hope to find a more suitable and peaceful living arrangement soon.









My dream house is a villa. It is located on the beach. There are two yards in the villa.

The front yard is a garden. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. There are plants in all seasons.

There is a swimming pool in the backyard. My family all like to swim on the first floor. When you enter the main gate, there is a large auditorium.

On the right side of the hall is a living room, where we can relax and rest Watching TV and entertainment. On the left, there is a computer room and a study belonging to me on the second floor. There are six bedrooms and a villa with bathrooms.

It will be equipped with modern equipment, such as security guard, computer-controlled alarm, video phone, automatic lifting door. It is my dream home.




Our community is small, but beautiful. There are many buildings in our community, such as kitchens, toilets, pubs and so on. There is a beautiful garden in the middle of this community.

There is a large swimming pool in the garden and a training room on the left. Therefore, many people often exercise in the garden. In a word, I think this is a meaningful community.






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