
关于”下册2单元“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Lower Volume 2, Unit 2。以下是关于下册2单元的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”下册2单元“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Lower Volume 2, Unit 2。以下是关于下册2单元的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lower Volume 2, Unit 2

In the United States for about a million years, ordinary raindrops are a powerful bulldozer that has enough power to cut rocks. When rainwater gathers on the ground, part of it evaporates, part of it sinks into the ground, and the rest begins the long journey from stream to stream to Lake, or even a river. When the water flows along the ground, it brings sand and pebbles to the sea Even boulders will use them to gnaw at the sides and bottom of the river channel.

In the process, more and more soil becomes loose. Every year, a lot of soil and rock flows from land to sea. The Mississippi River carries millions of solids into the Gulf of Mexico.

This constant land pull into the ocean is lowering the average sea level in the United States at a rate of about one foot a year, and continues to erode at the same rate, and the United States will be completely worn to sea level in about a million years.





Hibernation hibernation is not just sleep. It's a very deep sleep. The body temperature drops to a little more than zero.

Its heart rate is very slow. People find that hibernating animals fall asleep and often think that they are dead: the body feels cold, and this creature can only breathe once every five minutes. The hibernating animal can't feel any pain you can touch, or even pull its tail, without causing it to move or wake up in hibernation, or even to live in toxic air for a long time without any adverse effects.

This animal can sleep all winter. You may wonder how it survived without eating for so many months Of? The answer lies in two facts: first, it stores fat supply in the body in summer and autumn; second, it is related to the main use of the body, or the body provides energy for the exercise we see. The amount of exercise in hibernating animals is far below normal, and even the motor momentum or cardiopulmonary function are greatly reduced.

Animals do almost no exercise, consume almost no energy, and hardly need anything. Some animals, including some bears, hibernate only with hair. That is to say, they sleep in winter, but they don't sleep deeply and their body temperature doesn't drop, because they are warm blooded animals in sleeping.

Bears eat and eat and become mice. Its hair grows quickly. It has a thick covering, or mice and fur.

In November, it finds a place to lie down and sleep on a warm winter day. When it sees that the snow is still thick, it may think that spring has come. When he saw that the snow was still thick, he would stand up and walk around the ground, and he would soon fall asleep again.






But none of this was Carrie. There was a musk of vanilla behind her ears. She has cold blue eyes in the winter sky.

She would turn the radio loud in the car and set the key very loud. This quiet place, this dead place, was not Carrie. My Carrie would laugh at me because I was so stupid that she wanted me to go on with my life and start looking for another woman to give my love to every Sunday.

When we came here, angel knelt down and gazed at the orange and yellow tulips I had put on the ground. "Does mother like flowers?" She asked, "yes, honey, she likes the brightest colors, and they make her happy." I said, tears welled up in my eyes, and I fought hard. When I thought I was successful, "when will Mommy go home" was very painful.

I couldn't answer her. She put her little arm around my leg and said, "it's OK. Let mom go at night." I nodded silently, and she stood up.

"Goodbye, mom, don't let the bedbug bite." she patted the top of the stone like a dog's head. Smiling at her mother's gesture was always this place. Dad put the flowers by her bed.

She would never know the woman who took her home from the hospital and cried all night, because "one day she will grow up, go to school and fall in love River, marriage, let me be a grandmother. "With this thought, a little smile appeared on my lips," c'mon beautiful let's go play house "" can I be the mummy please please "" of course. "Then we turned to face the afternoon together by jade Walker " Bullwinkle and rock ".




“妈妈喜欢花吗?”她问:“是的,亲爱的,她喜欢最鲜艳的颜色,它们让她很高兴。”我说着,泪水在我眼中涌起,我奋力抗争当我认为我成功的时候,“妈咪什么时候回家”很痛苦,我无法回答她,她用小胳膊搂着我的腿说:“没事的,让妈妈晚上走吧。”我默默点头,她站起来,“再见,妈妈,别让臭虫咬了”,她拍拍石头的顶部,就像在拍狗头一样对妈的手势微笑永远是这个地方,爸爸把花放在她的床边她永远不会认识那个把她从医院带回家,哭了一整夜的女人,因为“她总有一天会长大,去上学,坠入爱河,结婚,让我成为一个祖母”带着这样的想法小微笑出现在我的嘴边“C'mon beautiful Let's go play house”“Can I be the mummy Please Please”“当然可以”然后我们转身面对下午一起 由Jade Walker “Bullwinkle And Rocky”“”“ ”“ ”。




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