
关于”周活动“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Weekly Activities。以下是关于周活动的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”周活动“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Weekly Activities。以下是关于周活动的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Weekly Activities

Last week, our school held an English week activity. During this week, there were various English-related activities, and students could partite in them voluntarily.

On Monday, we had a special lecture on English literature. The speaker introduced the history and characteristics of English literature, which was very educational and interesting. On Tuesday, we had an English debate contest. Students had to debate on current issues in English, and the winner received a prize.

On Wednesday, we had an English movie show. We watched a classic English movie, and then discussed it with our classmates in English. On Thursday, we had an English poetry recitation competition. Students selected and recited their favorite English poems, which was a great way to improve our English oral abilities.

On Friday, we held an English speech contest. The topic was “My English Learning Experience”. Many students shared their stories about how they learned English and what they learned from their experience.

All in all, the English week activity was a great opportunity for us to learn and practice English. We enjoyed the various activities and learned a lot from them.







English Week Activity English Composition

As a way to promote the use of English language among students, our school organized an English Week activity. This event was held for one week and it was filled with various English-related activities and contests.


During the English Week, students partited in several contests such as spelling bee, debate, and public speaking. These contests were designed to give the students an opportunity to showcase their English proficiency and to improve their communication skills.


Apart from the contests, there were also English-related activities such as English movie screenings, English language games, and English story-telling sessions. These activities were aimed at the learning of English fun and interesting for the students.


In addition, there were English language cl conducted by native English speakers. These cl were aimed at improving the students' language skills and unciation.


Overall, the English Week activity was a great success. It not only helped to improve the students' English language skills but also made the learning of English fun and interesting.


In conclusion, I believe that more schools should organize English Week activities as a way to promote the learning of English language among students.






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