
关于”描述外貌“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Translate text into English: Describe appearance.。以下是关于描述外貌的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”描述外貌“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Translate text into English: Describe appearance.。以下是关于描述外貌的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Translate text into English: Describe appearance.

Describing Appearances


When it comes to describing appearances, a wide range of vocabulary and expressions can be employed to capture the physical characteristics of individuals. Whether it is for introducing someone, writing a descriptive essay, or simply discussing a person's appearance, various adjectives and phrases can be used to paint a vivid picture in English.

In terms of physical features, one can describe the shape of the face. For instance, someone may have a round face (圆脸), an oval face (椭圆脸), or a square face (方脸). The eyes can be described as big (大眼睛) or small (小眼睛), and their shape may be almond-shaped (杏眼形状), round (圆眼睛), or slanted (斜眼睛). Similarly, one's nose may be long (长鼻子) or short (短鼻子), and it can have a high bridge (高鼻梁) or a low bridge (低鼻梁). Lastly, the mouth can be small (小嘴巴) or large (大嘴巴), and the lips can be thin (薄嘴唇) or full (丰满嘴唇).

When describing hair, one can mention its color, length, and texture. Hair can be blonde (金色头发), brunette (深色头发), or red (红色头发). It may be long (长发) or short (短发), and it could also be curly (卷发), straight (直发), or wavy (波浪发). Additionally, hair can be thick (浓密头发) or thin (稀疏头发), and it may be styled in a ponytail (马尾辫), braids (编辫子), or a bun (发髻).

Furthermore, one can portray someone's complexion and overall appearance. For instance, a person may have fair skin (白皙肤色), dark skin (深色肤色), or a tan (古铜色). Their complexion could be smooth (光滑肌肤) or rough (粗糙肌肤). Additionally, one might notice freckles (雀斑) or dimples (酒窝) on someone's face, and they might have a slim (苗条), athletic (运动型), or a stocky (魁梧) build.

In conclusion, describing appearances requires a rich vocabulary to accurately convey someone's physical characteristics. By utilizing descriptive words and phrases, one can create a vivid image and effectively communicate in English.







Colorful hair, countless earrings, exotic costumes, faintly visible tattoos may seem your rebellious, not easy to get close to, but I just love your way, the real you, not artificial you, like your gibberish, like your handsome appearance on the stage, like your neat row of white teeth when you smile, the glittering bright eyes like happiness Innocent children.




Alice in Wonderland is a children's literature work written by British mathematician and writer Charles Ludwig Dodson. The pseudonym of this novel is Lewis Carroll. It tells a girl named Alice who falls into a rabbit hole and enters a dream world full of strange figures.

It is full of talking cards and anthropomorphic creatures. This story is full of satirical allusions, referring to dogson's friends (and enemies, as well as the curriculum of British primary school students). People expect to remember the fairyland described in fairy tales in a logical way, so that the story can continue to be popular among adults and children.

It is regarded as one of the most distinctive examples of meaningless literature. The book is often referred to as Alice in wonderland for short. The other title of the book is adapted from a large number of movies and TV programs made over the years.

Some of the printed materials include the story of Alice in Wonderland, its sequel, through the mirror, and what Alice found there.







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