




A great adaptation of a comic book on the big screen makes you feel the embarrassment of Peter Parker as a ager, and his transformation to become spider man. The love story between Parker / spider man and Jordan reminds you of the relationship between Superman and Lois Lane, and you are the secret of the audience. I hope MJ can figure out the effects.

Most of them are good, but, yes The scenes of spider man flying across the street on his website seem a bit fake, but it does remind me of the cartoon book animation. I think the comic book style action adventure fans will find the film interesting, and the performance is excellent, especially when Defoe plays a good man / merciless businessman in a difficult role and becomes a villain.




Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes in the world. He is a fictional character created by Marvel Comics. His real name is Peter Parker, and he is a high school student in New York City. Peter gains his superpowers after getting bitten by a radioactive spider. He uses his abilities to fight crime and protect the people of his city.


Spider-Man has a special suit that allows him to climb walls, jump great distances, and shoot webs. His spider-sense also helps him detect danger before it happens. He has faced many villains, including the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, and Venom.


Spider-Man is known for his wit and humor, as well as his bravery. He not only fights bad guys, but also tries to balance his superhero duties with his personal life. He struggles with his relationships, schoolwork, and finances. But through it all, he remains a true hero.



The movie "Spider Man" is very popular all over the world. It describes a little boy who happens to gain super ability. Then he puts on the clothes of spider and flies around the city.

But because his uncle who raised him is killed, the boy realizes that the greater the power and the heavier the responsibility, he starts to use his own strength to help people. He fights against the bad guys and saves people from various dangers Come out. The story tells the story of an innocent boy who has learned his responsibility and found his place in the world.

The positive side of Spiderman inspires children to find their own value.






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