
关于”描写一个人性格“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Describing the personality of a person。以下是关于描写一个人性格的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”描写一个人性格“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Describing the personality of a person。以下是关于描写一个人性格的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describing the personality of a person

Everyone has their own unique personality, and it is what makes us all different from one another. Some people are outgoing and extroverted, while others are more reserved and introverted. There are also those who are kind and compassionate, and those who are more selfish and self-absorbed.

One of the most important aspects of a person's personality is their ability to interact with others. Those who are sociable and friendly tend to have many friends and are well-liked by others. However, those who are more introverted may struggle to form relationships and may feel more comfortable in solitary activities.

Another key aspect of personality is emotional stability. People who are emotionally stable tend to be able to handle stress and difficult situations with ease, while those who are more emotional may struggle to cope.

Finally, a person's values and beliefs play a significant role in their personality. Those who have strong convictions and beliefs tend to be more confident and assertive, while those who are more flexible may be more open-minded and adaptable.

In conclusion, there are many different factors that contribute to a person's personality. Whether it is their social skills, emotional stability, or values and beliefs, each individual is unique and special in their own way.


This is my friend. Her name is Judy. She thinks the most interesting class is music.

The most exciting sport is playing basketball. Her hobby is playing the piano. This is my friend.

His name is Jack. He thinks the most interesting class is music. The most exciting sport is playing basketball and playing piano is a hobby.




The most important person I met was an Italian philosophy professor who taught at the University of Pisa. Although I last saw him eight years ago, I did not forget his special qualities. First of all, I was impressed by Ali's love of teaching, because his lectures were always well prepared and it was clear that students swarmed into his claoom, his followers appreciated what he believed he taught, and he was intellectually inspiring.

In addition, he can explain his ideas in imaginative ways, such as paintings, sculptures and guest lecturers. Once he even sang a song in class to ilrate a point. Second, I admire him for talking with students or phone calls outside the claoom.

Having coffee in the snack bar, he makes friends with his students easily. Sometimes he challenges a student to play a game of chess, sometimes he takes part in group discussions from astronomy to diving, many young people come to his office for academic advice, others come to his home for social parties. Finally, he was attracted by his lively wit.

He believes that unless students and professors share a few laughs, at least no class hour is a successful one. Through his sense of humor, he makes learning more enjoyable and lasting. If life can really make smart people smile and make stupid people cry, then my friend is really wise.

Perhaps the best example of his wisdom is the little bit of wisdom he used to end a speech. It is equally dangerous for man to imitate his own actions. It is God's example to invent machines..











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