
关于”在线改错“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Online Correction。以下是关于在线改错的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”在线改错“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Online Correction。以下是关于在线改错的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Online Correction

Online English essay correction, with Chinese translation.



Nowadays, the environmental problem is becoming more and more serious, and it affects people's lives greatly. The pollution leads to the destruction of the atmosphere, the decline of forest resources, the disappearance of animals and plants, and even the threat to human health. The earth is our common home, and we should take actions to protect it.

There are several ways for us ordinary people to protect the environment. Firstly, we should reduce carbon emissions. We can walk or ride bicycles instead of driving cars. We can plant more trees and use less paper, recycle waste and protect water resources. Secondly, we can raise public awareness of environmental protection. We can encourage people around us to protect the environment together. Thirdly, we can partite in activities that are friendly to the environment, such as beach cleaning and garbage classification.

In a word, environmental protection is everyone's responsibility. We cannot wait for the government to solve the problem. We should start from ourselves and work together to make our earth a better place to live.


Nowadays, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious, and they greatly affect people's lives. Pollution leads to the destruction of the atmosphere, the depletion of forest resources, the disappearance of animals and plants, and even the threat to human health. The earth is our common home, and we should take action to protect it.

There are several ways for ordinary people like us to protect the environment. First, we should reduce carbon emissions by walking or riding bicycles instead of driving cars. We can plant more trees and use less paper, recycle waste and protect water resources. Second, we can raise public awareness of environmental protection by encouraging people around us to protect the environment together. Third, we can partite in activities that are friendly to the environment, such as beach cleaning and garbage classification.

In a word, environmental protection is everyone's responsibility. We cannot wait for the government to solve the problem. We should start from ourselves and work together to make our earth a better place to live.


原文:I want to buy a new phone, because my old phone is too slow and can’t run some new apps.

改正后:I want to buy a new phone because my old phone is too slow and can't run some new apps.







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