
关于”感谢朋友“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Thank you friends。以下是关于感谢朋友的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”感谢朋友“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Thank you friends。以下是关于感谢朋友的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank you friends

My Friends

I have many friends. They come from different places and have different personalities.

One of my best friends is Lily. She is a very kind and thoughtful person. She always helps me when I have problems and cheers me up when I feel sad. Lily is also very talented in music. She plays the piano and sings very well.

Another close friend of mine is Jack. He is a funny and outgoing guy. Jack loves to tell jokes and make people laugh. He is also very good at sports, especially basketball. Whenever I need someone to play with, Jack is always there for me.

Last but not least, there is Emily. She is a very intelligent and hardworking student. Emily is always on top of her studies and never gives up when faced with challenges. She is also very friendly and easy to talk to.

I am very grateful to have such amazing friends in my life. They have taught me so much and have been there for me through thick and thin.








Keep in touch with old friends. I recently met an old friend I haven't seen for many years. He said he has been very busy and doesn't know how to contact me.

I told him that the fact is, we have several friends in common. If we really want to contact each other, we can have them, but because of the busy schedule, the smooth progress of family life and various things, I think we just lost contact. So, I think the people I contact now and the people I want to contact, I have many friends and acquaintances, and I used to be on this road A lot.

We just lost touch. I want to contact some of my friends in high school. I want to say hello to people I used to know in New York and California.

I know I can do this without bending over, but I'm not sure if I should say, I'm too busy now, there's family and work. I'm in touch now, I feel a little guilty, I can't spend more Time with them who need more guilt than me.




(my friends) people have friends to share their sadness and happiness, and I'm no exception. First of all, let's take a look at one of my best friends: Sarah. She's a very beautiful girl with two big eyes.

She loves English. I've never met anyone crazier than her. Of course, she does well in her class.

What impresses her most is her kindness. She's always ready to help others, Especially those who are not good at learning. I still remember one time when I was sick and missed class for two days.

Later, she came to my house to visit me and gave me a note saying she was a kind girl. Now, I would like to introduce another friend: Belinda, who is tall and thin, just opposite to Sarah. Although she is not good at English, she can handle Chinese very well.

Therefore, with my friends, I do live a happy life.






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