




You are writing your first letter to your pen pal, introducing yourself, telling her that you will visit her country during the summer vacation, and suggesting that you go to see Hesu. Dear Su, how did I get your name and address from international pen pals? I'm glad to write to you. We become pen pals.

I'm now an English teacher at Shanghai Onlytoya College. I graduated from Shanghai Foreign Studies University Major in English literature and linguistics. I like playing erhu (a Chinese instrument) and listening to pop music.

I'm also interested in traveling. Oh, yes, I'm a good bargainer - this summer, I'm going to Australia, and I'm going to attend a conference in Sydney on behalf of my college. From July to the end of the meeting, I plan to visit Australia if you have If you're free, maybe five more days.

I'll be happy to meet you. Maybe we can have lunch together. Well, let me finish.

I can't wait to hear from your first letter. Please tell me about yourself and your interests. I hope we can be true friends, gokenny.




You are going to an overseas university to study. Write a letter to the University asking about accommodation and airport transfer. Dear Ms.

Morris, I am writing to ask for some information about accommodation and airport transfer in your university. I am a mature female student. I hope to share some accommodation with other mature female students as much as possible.

It's better to stay in a quiet place. I don't object to living on campus. As long as it is quiet enough, I can study.

I'm also a nonsmoker, and I'd rather share it with other nonsmokers, even though it's a preference of mine rather than a request, Susan Gao, I will arrive in London from Shanghai in August. If you can send someone to pick me up, I will be very grateful. Or at least, please send me the details of my going to university alone from Heathrow Airport in London, because this is my first time in the UK.

I look forward to receiving your reply and meeting you in September. Your sincerity, Susan Gao.


你要去一所海外大学学习写一封信给学校询问住宿和接送莫里斯亲爱的莫里斯女士,我写信是想询问有关贵校住宿和接送问题的一些信息。我是一个成熟的女学生,希望尽可能地分享一些与其他成熟的女学生一起住宿,最好是在一个安静的地方,我不反对住在校园里,只要那里足够安静,我可以学习。我也是一个不吸烟的人,我更愿意和其他不吸烟的人分享,尽管这是我的一个偏好,而不是一个请求Susan Gao我将于8月从上海抵达伦敦,如果你能派人来接我,我将非常感激,或者至少,请把我从伦敦希思罗一个人去大学的详细情况发给我,因为这是我第一次来英国,我期待着收到你的回信,并在9月与你见面。



A friend of yours is about to enter university. He wants you to tell him which subject he is interested in history, but computer science offers a better job prospect. Write a letter to him and give him some advice.

Dear jack, you have asked me for advice on whether you are studying history or computer science. In college, I want to give you some useful suggestions. You must remember them First of all, your college training is to prepare you for your future career.

Therefore, the first thing you should consider is to study a subject that can make you a living. Undoubtedly, the computer field offers a much wider range of work and more opportunities than history. Moreover, in the foreseeable future, we are now in an era of high-tech revolution.

Not only must everyone be proficient in computers, but also they must have computer skills, just to earn a living history. I am afraid that no matter how fascinating history is, there is almost no career prospect. Of course, you don't have to spend all your time in college Instead, I suggest that you continue to read history in your spare time, so that you will find that your leisure time is rich, and that you also prepare for the valuable career you want to find.

These suggestions will help you make your own decisions in good faith.






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