
关于”生消费“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Production consumption。以下是关于生消费的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”生消费“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Production consumption。以下是关于生消费的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Production consumption

With the rapid development of economy, people's consumption level has been greatly improved. Many people are willing to buy high-quality goods and services to enjoy a better life. However, excessive consumption has also brought about a series of problems such as overuse of resources, environmental pollution and waste of money.

In order to deal with these problems, we need to develop a rational consumption concept. Firstly, we should distinguish between needs and wants. We should pay more attention to meeting our essential needs rather than pursuing excessive desires. Secondly, we should choose products and services that are environmentally friendly and energy-saving. Thirdly, we should develop the habit of recycling and use resources in a sustainable way. Finally, we should avoid impulsive buying and make a budget for our daily expenses.

In conclusion, as consumers, we should be aware of the impacts of our consumption behavior and make efforts to practice sustainable consumption. Only in this way can we contribute to the protection of our environment, promote sustainable development and create a better future for all.





Consumption is necessary, it promotes economic development. Consumption brings happiness to some people, while others bring troubles. Because they think that consumption is a waste of money, the elderly and young people have different views on consumption.

However, I think that reasonable consumption is the best for the elderly. They are very frugal, that is, they think that money is used to meet basic needs, and the rest should be saved, but for years For the younger generation, they tend to use money to find entertainment places they like, such as KTV, or barbecue with friends. Different consumption patterns are affected by the living environment of the older generation, so they don't pursue entertainment too much.

On the contrary, young people should use money to improve their living standards, otherwise it will lose its significance of social entertainment and communication Money is needed.




Five consumption habits of college students according to an authoritative research report, at present, Chinese college students present five consumption habits. In other words, a new thing or a new brand can easily set off a wave of popularity in the campus. In terms of education and training, there are MBA fever, TOEFL fever and certification fever; in consumption, there are five consumption habits As for the popularity of a product, college students say they prefer to buy unique things, but only say that my clothes are the most fashionable.

Between fashion and economy, for college students, price is still the most important. Most college students still choose the latter when they choose various products. Moderate price is the key.

This feature can also be observed in sales promotion. Discount, free delivery and free gifts are the most effective promotion methods. Consumption is also an indispensable financial support for most college students to maintain the relationship between friends and dating objects.

At present, this is the average college students' spending on entertainment, social activities and movies, while the cost of gifts is yuan per semester. The report also shows that even if it is difficult to make ends meet, they often choose to borrow money from others rather than give up the necessary emotional spending.








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