




Sports my favorite sport is basketball. It looks cool on TV. I've been fascinated by those basketball stars since I was a child.

Basketball needs speed, height and skill. I run, jump, turn and try to hit every part of my body. In this sport, I feel like the wind flying for my goal on the playground.

It makes me feel that great basketball needs quick reaction and decision when the opportunity comes It may disappear in the next second. I should stare at it like an eagle, decide and judge quickly like a leopard, and fight for it more like a wolf. Basketball is not only a sport, but also requires teamwork.

No one can play itself. A team should cooperate. So I should learn to cooperate with others in this game.

I should understand what my teammates are doing What, what he needs me to do for him, I should learn to show my teammates what I need, at the same time, I need to pay attention to the whole game, I know how our team is, and how the other team cooperates and strategies. I have played basketball for many years, and now I have made many good friends through this sport. Proud of my team and my school for winning honors.

I like playing basketball with my friends. It will be my best friend's best memory about school life and sports.





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There are many kinds of sports I like, such as swimming, running and dancing. But my favorite sport is basketball. I started playing basketball when I was in junior high school.

I found that I already like this sport very much now. I want to watch basketball games as much as possible. The basketball game gave me the best time of my life.






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