
关于”2012年“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:In English, 2012 can be translated as 2012.。以下是关于2012年的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”2012年“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:In English, 2012 can be translated as 2012.。以下是关于2012年的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In English, 2012 can be translated as 2012.


Possible Version:

Dear Editor,

I am writing with regard to the issue of global warming, which has recently attracted widespread attention worldwide. As far as I am concerned, there are several measures that we can take to combat this increasingly serious problem.

To begin with, we need to raise public awareness of the importance of reducing carbon emissions. This can be done by organizing public campaigns and educational programs, and by encouraging people to use environmentally friendly products and to limit their use of cars and other vehicles.

In addition, we should invest more in renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, so as to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. This not only helps to protect the environment but also creates new job opportunities and stimulates economic growth.

Last but not least, we need to work together internationally to address the issue of global warming. Countries should cooperate to set ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and provide financial and technical support to developing countries to help them cope with the impacts of climate change.

In sum, global warming is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires a concerted effort from governments, businesses, and individuals. By taking the above-mentioned measures, we can not only mitigate the effects of climate change but also create a more sustainable and prosperous world for future generations.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

















In 2012, it was a year to remember. In this year, many significant events took place, which filled us with antition for the future.

Firstly, 2012 was the year when the Olympics were held in London. The Olympics brought together outstanding athletes from all over the world, showcasing their extraordinary sports skills and spirit. Moreover, the Games served as a platform for international exchange and friendship, deepening the understanding and acquaintance among peoples of different countries.

Furthermore, 2012 was also an important political year. The United States held its presidential election, and Obama was successfully reelected, which had a major impact on the political landscape of the US and the world. Meanwhile, Europe went through a series of political changes, including government transitions in Greece and Italy, as well as the worsening of the European economic crisis.

In addition, 2012 witnessed some natural disasters. The most unforgettable one was the typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, which caused thousands of deaths and displacement. This disaster made people realize the importance of environmental protection and reducing the impact of natural disasters.

Overall, 2012 was a year full of changes and challenges. Whether in sports, politics, or the environment, many significant events occurred. We should learn lessons from these events and prepare for the future.


Now in the U.S. presidential campaign, neither side sees much hope or change, mainly attacks, counterattacks, launching the next explosion, and retreating at such a rate. You have to wonder how both sides can arrive on election day on November 6.

In an article, some of the recent annoying and capricious Vice President Joe Biden) warned most black audiences in Virginia that the Republican victory would put them back in chains. Mitt Romney's camp saw it as a sign of racial insensitivity. Although the vice president insisted that he was referring to the Republican campaign's commitment to free itself from the shackles of Wall Street, President Obama openly opposed his Republican opponent in Davenport, Iowa, this week Mitt Romney photo: shortly after the associated press, Romney himself urged President Obama to bring your divisive, angry, and hateful campaign back to Chicago, another escalation of campaign rhetoric, which may be at least in part a response to negative television ads from the Obama team and its super PAC allies in recent months, Romney's negative approval rating has increased to a certain extent.

Look, a lot of this is just disturbing the public, and the really undecided voters don't usually try to figure out which side started the smear, they just want it to stop and let the two candidates focus on issues that matter to them, just like jobs, economic growth, and a better future for children, Ryan Pike changed the debate As we continue to weigh the pros and cons of Romney's choice of congressman Paul Ryan as vice president's running mate, there is no doubt that his partition in the campaign has changed the focus of the election debate. At least in the short term, Romney's campaign theory has always portrayed their people as experienced business and political leaders who know how to repair the economy. This assumes that the public has come to the conclusion that, according to Barack Obama's economic record, he is a failed president, and Republican challenger Mitt Romney fought back at a Party rally in Manassas, Virginia.


现在美国总统竞选中,双方都没有看到多少希望和变化,主要是攻击,反击,发动下一次爆炸,以这样的速度后退你不得不想知道双方如何才能在11月6日选举日到来,在一篇文章中,最近一些令人讨厌的反复无常的副总统乔·(Joe Biden)警告弗吉尼亚州的大部分黑人听众,共和党的胜利将使他们重回锁链,米特·罗姆尼阵营认为这是种族不敏感的表现,虽然副总统坚称他所指的是共和党竞选时承诺要摆脱华尔街的束缚,但总统本周在爱荷华州达文波特的竞选活动中公开反对共和党对手,米特·罗姆尼照片:不久后,罗姆尼本人敦促总统把你的、愤怒和仇恨的竞选活动带回芝加哥,这是又一次竞选言论的升级,这可能至少在一定程度上是对团队及其超级PAC(行动委员会)盟友的负面电视广告的回应在最近几个月里,罗姆尼的负面支持率已经有了一定程度的提高。听着,很多这样的做法只是让公众感到不安那些真正没有决定的选民通常不会试图判断是哪一方开始了这场诽谤,他们只是希望它停止,让两位候选人把注意力集中在对他们来说重要的问题上就像就业、经济增长和孩子们的美好未来一样,瑞安•皮克改变了辩论的方向;当我们继续权衡罗姆尼选择国会议员保罗•瑞安作为副总统竞选伙伴的利弊时,毫无疑问,他加入竞选活动改变了选举辩论的焦点,至少在短期内,罗姆尼的竞选理论一直是把他们的人描述成一个有经验的商业和领袖,他知道如何修复经济。这假设公众已经得出结论,根据巴拉克的经济记录,他是一个失败的总统,共和党挑战者米特罗姆尼在维吉尼亚州马纳萨斯举行的上对总统进行了反击。




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