




I like singing. I like pop music. My favorite singer is Avril Lavigne.

I wanted to be a singer many years ago. This dream is just a dream. I have many dreams about my job.

I like to write my own blog on the Internet. I want to be a journalist. I think this job is very colorful.

I want to bring the truth to my audience. The people I want to interview are from People from all walks of life may meet Avril, which will be very exciting. I will go to many cities in China or many countries in the world in the future.

I will be like a world traveler. I hope I can learn English well, because English is very important in work and life. If I become an English teacher, my tutor is also a good choice.

It is very difficult for me, and I finally become one As a diligent student, I hope I can enjoy my life with my family. We have health and luck. Our life will become better and better.




My Dream

Everyone has dreams in their hearts, and so do I. My dream is to become a successful writer.

From a young age, I have always been fond of reading. Every time I read a good book, I am deeply moved by the stories and inspired by the characters. I have always admired writers who can create such amazing worlds with their words. Therefore, I have decided that I also want to be a writer and create my own stories.

Writing is not an easy task. It requires a lot of imagination, creativity, and persistence. However, I am willing to put in the effort to improve my writing skills. I constantly read different kinds of books to broaden my knowledge and learn from the masters. I also practice writing every day to enhance my writing style.

In my dream, I want to write stories that touch people's hearts and bring joy and inspiration to their lives. I hope my words can resonate with readers and make a positive impact on society. Through my writing, I want to convey important messages and shed light on social issues.

To achieve my dream, I know I need to work hard. I will continue to learn and grow as a writer, never giving up on my passion. I will attend writing workshops, seek feedback from professionals, and never shy away from challenges. I believe that with dedication and perseverance, I can turn my dream into reality.

In conclusion, my dream is to become a successful writer. I am committed to honing my writing skills and a positive impact through my words. I believe that with hard work and determination, I can achieve my dream and share my stories with the world.









When I was very young, I often listened to my uncle tell many stories. Because he often traveled, I made up my mind when I grew up that I must travel around the world. This is my biggest dream.

In order to realize my dream, the first thing I have to do is to learn English well. So I spent a lot of time to study, and one day I can realize my dream.






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