
关于”写人物“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write about characters。以下是关于写人物的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”写人物“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write about characters。以下是关于写人物的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write about characters

Walter was born in Chicago. He is very famous in the world. The animation master may be a stranger when he talks about his name.

But maybe Barry Walter, who is familiar to us when we talk about Mickey Mouse, came to Hollywood and set up his first studio in his works. The workplace and mouse made him suddenly inspired and created a successful cartoon character Mickey moss then, in the middle of the century, he produced the first long animated film snow white and the seven dwarfs, created the world's first theme park at Walt Disney, and began to plan the Walt Disney theme park in Florida, the United States, and completed what was great in Walt's life. He brought us a beautiful fairy tale But at the age of only one year, Walter died, leaving the land he loved all his life, and the Bush he never wanted to leave.




Writing about Characters in English Essays


Writing about characters is a high-demand task because you need to create a realistic and relatable person for your readers. Here are some writing tips to help you create outstanding characters.

1. 观察身边的人 Look Around You


Observing people around you is crucial if you want to create a realistic character. You can study the traits of people you like or dislike and apply them to your work.

2. 具体和精炼 Be Specific and Concise


In an essay, you need to describe a character's personality, appearance, and actions. However, you cannot be too verbose because this will affect the fluency of your writing. You need to present information about the character concisely and effectively.

3. 利用对话 Use Dialogue


Using dialogue can help you better showcase a character's personality and traits. In dialogue, you can show a character's attitude, tone, and thought process. Using dialogue can also make your writing more engaging.

4. 描写环境 Describing Environment


The environment in which a character exists has a significant impact on their behavior and personality. You can showcase a character's traits by describing the environment in which they exist. For instance, a bookworm would be more nervous and frightened on the street.

总结 Conclusion


Creating an interesting character is a challenge, but with your observational skills, concise description, dialogue, and environmental descriptions, you can create a unique and memorable character.


Introducing My Best Friend

Allow me to introduce my best friend, Emily. She is a remarkable individual with many outstanding qualities that make her the wonderful person she is.

Emily is a kind-hearted and generous person who always puts others before herself. She is known among her friends for her selflessness and willingness to lend a helping hand whenever needed. Her caring nature extends not only to her friends but also to animals. She often volunteers at an animal shelter, providing love and care to abandoned pets.

In addition to her compassionate nature, Emily is an incredibly talented musician. She plays the piano like a professional and has won numerous awards in local music competitions. Her dedication to her craft is evident through her countless hours of practice and her exceptional performances. Emily's music not only brings joy to her life but also touches the hearts of those who listen to her mesmerizing melodies.

Furthermore, Emily is an excellent student who is always eager to learn. She is exceptionally intelligent and diligent, and can effortlessly grasp complex concepts. Her thirst for knowledge is insatiable, and she consistently achieves top grades in all her subjects. She serves as an inspiration to her classmates, who often seek her guidance and assistance in their studies.

Despite her many accomplishments, Emily remains humble and down-to-earth. She never boasts about her achievements and is always supportive of others' pursuits and successes. Her positive and optimistic outlook on life is contagious, and she constantly radiates positivity wherever she goes.

In conclusion, Emily is an extraordinary individual who possesses a wealth of admirable qualities. Her kindness, musical talent, academic excellence, and humble nature make her a truly remarkable person. I am truly grateful to have her as my best friend.












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