
关于”小模版“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Small Template。以下是关于小模版的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”小模版“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Small Template。以下是关于小模版的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Small Template


开头段:引言句 + 话题说明

The topic of the passage (文章主题) has been a matter of increasing concern (越来越引起人们关注的问题) recently. In this essay, I would like to explore (探讨) the reasons behind it and propose some possible solutions (提出可能的解决方案).


The first and foremost reason (首先且最重要的原因) why this issue arises (这个问题产生的原因) is that (是因为)……(提出具体原因). As we all know (众所周知), this is a serious problem (这是一个严重的问题), which has been affecting (影响) not only our daily life, but also the society as a whole (整个社会).


The second reason (第二个原因) that contributes to this issue is (是)……(提出具体原因). The manifestation (表现形式) of this problem is widespread (广泛的), and can be seen in many aspects of our life, such as (例如)……(列举具体例子).


To tackle (解决) this problem, several possible solutions can be put forward (可以提出几个可能的解决方案). Firstly, (首先) governments and relevant authorities should take more stringent measures (采取更加严格的措施) to deal with (处理) the root causes (根本原因) of the problem. Secondly, (其次) individuals should also play their part (发挥自己的作用), by adopting more environmentally-friendly (环保) behavior (行为), such as (例如)……(列举具体措施).

结尾段:总结 + 建议

In conclusion, (总之) this issue is a serious one (这个问题是一个严重的问题), and requires urgent attention (需要紧急关注). Only by working together (只有通过共同努力), can we hope to solve this problem (我们才有希望解决这个问题).









1. 图表说明文


The given chart graphically depicts the information about... (给定的图表以图形的方式展示了关于......的信息)

As can be seen from the graph/table/chart, the figures for... (如图表所示,......的数字为......)

From the data/statistics/figures provided, it is clear that... (通过所提供的数据/统计/数字,很明显......)


There are several noticeable trends/changes revealed in the chart. Firstly, ... (图表表明了几个显著的趋势/变化。第一,......)

In addition, it is evident that... (此外,很明显......)

Moreover, the figures indicate that... (此外,数字表明......)

It can also be observed from the chart that... (从图表中还可以观察到......)


From the above ysis, it is reasonable to predict that... (根据以上分析,可以合理......)

In summary, the graph/table/chart clearly ilrates that... (总之,这个图表清楚地说明了......)

2. 柱状图/饼图作文


The given bar chart/pie chart ilrates the proportion of... (给定的柱状图/饼图说明了......的比例)

As can be seen from the chart, the... (从图表中可以看出......)

It is clear from the graph that... (从图表中很明显可以看出......)


The chart clearly shows that... (图表清楚地显示了......)

The data in the chart indicates that... (图表中的数据表明......)

It can be observed from the chart that... (从图表中可以观察到......)


In conclusion, it can be inferred from the chart that... (总之,可以从图表中推断......)

Therefore, it is reasonable to predict that... (因此,可以合理......)

In summary, the chart reveals that... (总之,图表揭示了......)



The given flowchart ilrates the process of... (给定的流程图说明了......的过程)

As can be seen from the flowchart, the process involves... (从流程图中可以看出,这个过程涉及到......)


The first step/phase in the process is... (这个过程中的第一步/阶段是......)

Following that, the second step/phase involves... (接下来,第二步/阶段涉及到......)

Finally, the process concludes with... (最后,这个过程以......结束)


Overall, the flowchart provides a clear overview of the process and its steps. (总的来说,这个流程图提供了一个明确的过程概述和步骤)

The flowchart demonstrates that the process is efficient and effective. (这个流程图表明了这个过程是高效和有效的)

In conclusion, the flowchart enables us to better understand the process and its significance. (总之,这个流程图使我们更好地理解这个过程及其意义)



The given map shows the distribution of... (给定的地图显示......的分布)

As can be seen from the map, the locations of... (从地图中可以看出......的位置)

The map indicates the geography of... (地图表明了......的地理)


It is evident from the map that... (从地图中很明显可以看出......)

The map highlights the differences between... (地图突显了......之间的差异)

Moreover, the map shows that... (此外,地图表明......)


In conclusion, the map provides a valuable insight into the geography and distribution of... (总之,这个地图为我们提供了有关......的地理和分布的宝贵信息)

From the above ysis, it can be concluded that... (根据以上分析,可以得出结论......)

Overall, the map helps us to better understand the location and distribution of... (总体来说,这个地图帮助我们更好地了解......的位置和分布)


1 the chart / Pie / table / bar chart reflects the (ratio / percentage / scale / quantity) from to 2 in (region / country). Based on the figure, the conclusion is that: past / past (overall trend tends to show / total trend is /) 1, and overall trend shows that during the current * * year, data / statistics / figures lead us to conclude that, according to data, the number / ratio / percentage from year to year / percentage rise / rise / decrease, and then rapidly decrease / decrease / increase in * * year. From * * to * * years, the quantity / ratio again decreases / rises, then rises / rises gradually until * * years.

This is a curve chart describing the trend. In * * years, the quantity / percentage reaches the bottom. On the contrary, the number / percentage of the year reaches the peak / peak.

When the proportion / number of the two years is close to / number, the proportion / number in ×× and XX years is close to ×× After the year of XX rises to XX and XX respectively, it is estimated that the two curves show the connection words / sentences at the end of the period and (/ also, and either, or none), and, in addition, in addition, what changes are made in addition to this , as an example, in particular, as long as, as long as / similarly, the same (/ at the same time, although, however, on the contrary, on the contrary, on the contrary, on the contrary, on the contrary, it is unlikely, on the contrary, on the contrary, as long as,.







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