
关于”中秋节“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Mid-Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋节的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”中秋节“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Mid-Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋节的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mid-Autumn Festival

China is a country with a long history of civilization. However, there are also many traditional festivals in China. My favorite is the Mid Autumn Festival.

Watching the dim moonlight like water and dreamlike, eating moon cakes and chatting with relatives, the weather is favorable and the mood is not good. The sorrow and sadness suddenly disappear. There are ten suns in the sky.

Hou Yi's kind, resourceful and brave people shot down nine When he learned that Hou Yi's wife, the moon goddess, had "apile can make people immortal, and he also worshipped him at the door. He just wanted to find a chance to steal the elixir of immortality. On the first night, Feng Meng sneaked in There are people's home, forced her to hand over the elixir of life, but afraid that he would kill innocent people.

Seeing that Feng Meng robbed a handful of elixir, she ran to apanasia, swallowed the long flying fly and went up to the sky. Hearing this news to the moons, Chang'e was OK and put on her favorite snack in the yard. From then on, I wish her every year The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival and the moon of the Song Dynasty are quite popular.

There are grass dragon dance and tower building activities in some places where people take the meaning of reunion. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there have been activities such as grass dragon dance and tower building. The customs of the mid autumn Festival are quite popular.

Many places have formed the characteristics of burning incense, mid autumn trees, lighting tower lights, lanterns, walking the moon and dancing How refreshing it is: the cool wind blows through the hair, the sweet smell of moon cake and osmanthus is in the air, and the moonlight is like water, quietly sprinkled on the ground.




The Mid Autumn Festival is somewhat like the Spring Festival. It is on August 8. It is an important day for Chinese people because it is a family reunion day.

On this day, there will be a big family dinner. All the people who work outside will go home to join the trade union. They will also eat moon cakes, which are the special food of this festival.

All kinds of moon cakes are . Everyone likes them at night. The moon is bright and round.

So people always prepare some fruits and moon cakes under the moon, praying for health and safety throughout the year. Everyone seems to be happy.




We can eat a lot of delicious Chinese food on the Mid Autumn Festival table. We can see a lot of delicious fish on the Mid Autumn Festival table. Cheers, cheers, Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

We make a wish to each other in the evening. The moon is usually round and bright and looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon cake.

We can eat moon cake. On the Mid Autumn Festival, we and I The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. Almost everyone likes to eat moon cakes on this day.

Most families have dinner together to celebrate the festival. As the saying goes, "the moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest." many people who live far away want to go back home and get together. How happy it is to watch moon cakes with their families.







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