
关于”提纲式“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:In English, outline。以下是关于提纲式的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”提纲式“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:In English, outline。以下是关于提纲式的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In English, outline



1. 题目:清晰明了,简明扼要,以引起读者的兴趣。

2. 提纲:列出要点,包括文章的主要内容和要点,应简洁明了,逻辑严密,层次分明。

3. 正文:根据提纲,展开论述,表述观点。

4. 结尾:总结全文,深化主旨,可以用引语、警句等,使文章更有力度。


As a student, we must learn to be independent. Being independent is not only an important skill for our current life, but also for our future life. There are several reasons why we must learn to be independent.

Firstly, being independent helps us to develop our own personality. We can learn how to be responsible and take care of ourselves. We can also learn how to make our own decisions and live our own lives without relying on others.

Secondly, being independent is essential for our future life. In the future, we will face many challenges and opportunities. If we are not independent, we will not be able to handle these challenges and opportunities. Therefore, we must learn to be independent so that we can face these challenges and opportunities with confidence.

Finally, being independent is a sign of maturity. It shows that we are responsible and can take care of ourselves. This is important because it helps us to gain respect from others. Moreover, it helps us to become a better person and a better member of society.

In conclusion, being independent is an important skill that we must learn. It helps us to develop our own personality, to handle challenges and opportunities, and to become a better person. Therefore, we should strive to be independent and take responsibility for our own lives. Only in this way can we achieve success in our lives.


Outline-style English Essay

Title: The Importance of Learning a Second Language


1. Briefly introduce the topic of learning a second language.

2. State the thesis statement: Learning a second language is important for personal growth, career opportunities, and cultural understanding.

Body Paragraph 1:

1. Topic sentence: Learning a second language promotes personal growth.

2. Supporting point 1: Enhances cognitive skills and improves memory.

3. Supporting point 2: Develops a greater appreciation for different cultures.

4. Supporting point 3: Boosts self-confidence and self-awareness.

Body Paragraph 2:

1. Topic sentence: Learning a second language opens up career opportunities.

2. Supporting point 1: Increases employability in a globalized job market.

3. Supporting point 2: Expands the ability to communicate with international clients or colleagues.

4. Supporting point 3: Enhances problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Body Paragraph 3:

1. Topic sentence: Learning a second language fosters cultural understanding.

2. Supporting point 1: Enables partition in cross-cultural exchanges.

3. Supporting point 2: Facilitates meaningful connections with people from different backgrounds.

4. Supporting point 3: Reduces misunderstandings and promotes tolerance and empathy.


1. Restate the thesis statement in a conclusive manner.

2. Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.

3. Emphasize the importance of learning a second language for personal, professional, and cultural reasons.

Title: 学习第二语言的重要性


1. 简要介绍学习第二语言的主题。

2. 提出论点:学习第二语言对个人成长、职业机会和文化理解都非常重要。


1. 主题句:学习第二语言促进个人成长。

2. 支持点1:增强认知能力,提高记忆力。

3. 支持点2:培养对不同文化的更深的欣赏。

4. 支持点3:增强自信心和自我意识。


1. 主题句:学习第二语言开拓职业机会。

2. 支持点1:提高在全球化就业市场的竞争力。

3. 支持点2:增加与国际客户或同事交流的能力。

4. 支持点3:提升解决问题和批判性思维的能力。


1. 主题句:学习第二语言促进文化理解。

2. 支持点1:能够参与跨文化交流。

3. 支持点2:促进与来自不同背景的人建立有意义的联系。

4. 支持点3:减少误解,促进宽容和同理心。


1. 以总结性的方式重申论点。

2. 总结正文中讨论的主要要点。

3. 强调学习第二语言对个人、职业和文化方面的重要性。


Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. Compared with other writing forms, writing a diary in English has a shorter time and a shorter time. It can help us form the habit of thinking in English and gradually learn to express ourselves in English.

When we write a diary in English, we will inevitably encounter many difficulties first, and then, we are very difficult To find the right words to express our thoughts, there are many common expressions in Chinese, and it is difficult for us to translate them into English properly. As far as I am concerned, we may encounter some obstacles in writing diaries in English. My suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese English Dictionary ready.

Whenever something moves us, we can first write it down in the notebook and then refer to the dictionary. We can also ask our English teacher for help. If necessary, keeping a diary in English is very useful to improve our writing ability.







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