
关于”毕业感言“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Graduation speech。以下是关于毕业感言的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”毕业感言“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Graduation speech。以下是关于毕业感言的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Graduation speech

Every time I face separation, I feel helpless. Even if I know it will be very short and will meet soon, I still cry. Especially after living with them for a long time in the new year, I will be very sad and tall.

A slim boy is lovely. The next day, the table will be secretly put in my pocket. I will come back to look for him, but he insists When he didn't let me add it back, he came back, and then he put the apple in my mouth because he always ate other people's guilt.

Sometimes I would bring good things home from school. He toured in the same direction with me with another male classmate. I began to cheat my good friend who came home, until he told me that he was going to leave the city one day soon.

He left the night before yesterday It was a girl student who came to my house to ask me out. He talked with me for a long time. I only knew that he went back to his hometown in a circle just to see me off.

I stayed for a while. When he left, he cried and sang Zhang Xueyou's "are you on the way?" I think my feelings are more straightforward, and the atmosphere of love for the family is very strong, and others will not care too much about him when he leaves I was very sad and recalled a lot of things about him, because I hurt my foot and took part in the sports meeting in New Zealand. He and a male classmate saw me and said that the boy could do Qigong and made him laugh at me badly.

Of course, I don't believe that he occasionally studies homework at home in the evening. He will suddenly say for a few years that he is very serious: sorry to disturb you, but I will bring some books and spend a few minutes He will always remember the days before he left. Sometimes he would look at me with a pair of very melancholy eyes in class.

When I looked at him, then disguised and occasionally was written, I thought he was like him, but I never said that if there was no separation, I would not know today, and it is also true Apart, many things of my colleagues sitting next to me in the office will become a habit. When this habit suddenly changes, I feel helpless and sad. I am very capable and have no officialdom.

When I heard that he left suddenly, I laughed and quarreled, and other colleagues did not say no. I put my heart on the table and tears suddenly fell down. We are good friends, how Can not make people sad, let me very sad to pain, and the world is not to leave the feast, ha, ha.




Graduation Speech

Dear teachers, parents, and fellow graduates,

Today is a momentous day in our lives. We are gathered here to celebrate our graduation from this esteemed institution. It is an occasion filled with mixed emotions, as we bid farewell to our friends, teachers, and the comfortable routines we have grown accustomed to. As we reflect upon our time here, we are grateful for the knowledge and experiences gained, but also nostalgic for the memories we have shared.

During our years of education, we have been challenged and pushed to our limits. We have faced numerous obstacles and setbacks, yet we persevered and emerged stronger. Our teachers have imparted upon us not only academic knowledge, but also life skills and values that will guide us in the future. They have shown us the importance of hard work, discipline, and integrity. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their unwavering support and guidance.

As we embark on the next chapter of our lives, we are filled with hopes and dreams. Some of us may pursue further education, while others will enter the workforce. Regardless of our chosen paths, we must remember that success is not measured solely by our accomplishments, but also by the impact we have on others and the world around us. We have the power to make a difference, to inspire others, and to create positive change.

It is important to cherish the friendships we have formed during our time here. These relationships have helped us through difficult times and provided us with countless happy memories. Let us not forget the bonds we have forged, and let us strive to maintain these connections as we move forward. Our classmates have become like family, and they will continue to be a source of support and encouragement in the years to come.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our parents and families. Their unwavering love, sacrifices, and support have brought us to this milestone. They have believed in us and stood by us every step of the way. We owe our success to their endless encouragement and guidance.

As we leave this institution, let us take with us the lessons learned, the friendships formed, and the dreams we hold dear. Let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with enthusiasm and determination. Congratulations to the Class of 2021!









Dear students, as I am about to graduate, I would like to write this letter to express my feelings before leaving school. For me, in the past three years, the school life has added color to my daily life. I have a good time with my teachers and classmates who like me.

There is no doubt that I have learned a lot of knowledge and skills, which is good for my future study. However, there are some things I regret, such as wasting too much time playing computer, I spent a little time on study, and I regret quarreling with my friends when I was in a low mood; my high school days are gone, and there are many challenges in college. Therefore, in the place where I am about to start a new life, I should make every effort to study in University.

Here are some suggestions. Please don't waste your time doing things unrelated to study under any cirtances. Besides, you should spare no effort to get good grades in school.

Good luck to you all.









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