
关于”杨倩“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Yang Qian。以下是关于杨倩的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”杨倩“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Yang Qian。以下是关于杨倩的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Yang Qian

Taiwan artist Yang Chenglin appeared at a public meeting in Beijing to apologize for the improper remarks made four years ago. On April 2, Taiwan artist Yang Chenglin held a press conference on Tuesday to publicly apologize for the remarks that caused the disgust of mainland fans four years ago. According to China News Agency, in a program of Taiwan's popular festival guess, she said she begged the public to forgive her mistakes.

Cheng Lin Yang said that she did not know how long the Anti Japanese war in China had lasted since, and the war started in. According to reports, she responded to the war with "only eight years". The war lasted until, which was a long and painful period for the Chinese people.

During this period, the Japanese aggressors committed crimes including the South because of her improper words Some mainland netizens have petitioned to her for several times, and her advertit in McDonald's has also been deleted. It is speculated that in her apology on Tuesday, she admitted that she had a poor understanding of history. She explained that she had dropped out of school at a very young age and accepted a history book presented by the organizers of the press conference and promised to work hard Although the young star has repeatedly expressed remorse in the past few years, rumors abound about her constant complaints about mainland fans.

She always denies such complaints, and even Tuesday's apology failed to get the response she wanted. Many believe the move is just to promote her upcoming third al. According to a random street survey conducted by xmnext com in Shanghai, only one percent of respondents were willing to accept her apology.



上海xmnext com的一项随机街道调查显示,只有百分之受访者愿意接受她的道歉。


Yang Qian is a famous Chinese female shooter who has won many medals and awards. She was born on April 3rd, 1990 in a small village in Hubei province.


At the age of 13, Yang Qian started learning to shoot and quickly fell in love with the sport. She made her international debut in 2017 at the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup. In 2018, she won her first gold medal at the ISSF World Cup in Guadalajara, Mexico.


In 2019, Yang Qian won the gold medal in the 10-meter air rifle event at the ISSF World Cup in Beijing, China. Later that year, she also won a gold medal at the ISSF World Cup Final in Putian, China.


Yang Qian is known for her calm and focused demeanor while shooting. She says that practice and mental preparation are key to her success.


Overall, Yang Qian is a talented and dedicated athlete who has achieved great success in her career. She continues to inspire others with her passion and skill in shooting.



Sun Yang is a Chinese swimmer who is widely regarded as one of the greatest swimmers of all time. He was born on December 1, 1991 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. From a young age, he showed great potential in swimming and began training at a local sports school at the age of seven.


Sun Yang's breakthrough came at the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, where he won three gold medals and set a new Asian record in the 1500m freestyle. He went on to win multiple gold medals at the Olympics, World Championships, and other major international competitions.


Despite his success in the pool, Sun Yang has faced controversy off the pool. In 2014, he was banned for three months after testing positive for a banned substance. In 2018, he was accused of smashing his blood vials with a hammer during a drug test. Sun Yang has denied any wrongdoing and is currently in a legal battle over the incident.


In the world of swimming, Sun Yang's achievements cannot be ignored. He has broken numerous records and has established himself as one of the greatest swimmers of all time. However, his controversies have also brought attention to the issues surrounding drug use in sports and the need for greater transparency and accountability in drug testing.





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