




Summer vacation is coming to an end





Time flies, and the summer vacation is almost over. During this holiday, I had a lot of time to do the things I love, and I had the opportunity to make new friends and experience new things. However, I also feel that time is fleeting, as if there are still many things that I haven't had the chance to do.

In this summer, I partited in some summer camp activities, went to some new places for tourism, and had time to spend with my family and friends. I learned how to swim and ride a bike, and read many good books. It was a summer full of harvest and happiness.

However, as the summer vacation comes to an end, I realize that I still have many unfinished tasks and goals. I haven't finished all the summer homework, I haven't completed the planned reading tasks, and there are still many things I want to do. This makes me feel a bit frustrated, but it also makes me cherish the remaining time more, and strive to complete my tasks carefully and efficiently.

Before the new semester begins, I will take some time to reflect on this holiday, summarize the experiences and lessons learned, and make new study and life plans, in order to better meet new challenges and opportunities.


Hello, everyone! My name is [Your Name], and I am an English learner. Today, I would like to introduce myself and share a little bit about my English learning journey.


I have always had a passion for languages, and English has always intrigued me. It is a global language that connects people from different cultures and backgrounds. That's why I decided to embark on this journey of learning English.


I started learning English at a young age, and since then, I have been immersing myself in various English learning resources. I enjoy reading English books, watching English movies, and listening to English songs. These activities have not only helped me improve my vocabulary and grammar but also enabled me to understand different accents and cultures.


In addition to self-study, I have also attended English language cl and partited in language exchange programs. These experiences have given me the opportunity to practice speaking English with native speakers and fellow English learners. It has been a great way to boost my confidence and improve my spoken English skills.


Learning English has not always been easy, and there have been times when I felt frustrated and wanted to give up. However, I remind myself of the reasons why I started this journey in the first place. I remind myself of the opportunities that knowing English can bring me and the doors it can open in terms of education, career, and personal growth.


I believe that learning languages is not just about gaining knowledge; it is also about broadening our horizons and connecting with people from all around the world. English has become a part of my life, and I am excited to continue this journey, keep improving my skills, and explore more opportunities that lie ahead.


Thank you for listening to my self-introduction. I am looking forward to learning and growing together with all of you. Let's have a wonderful English learning journey!



Dear teacher: This is a special day. We present a bunch of flowers, give a gift to your peach and plum world, compose a song of joy, le your eyes, dispel fatigue, and sing for your lax wrinkles. Thank you, teacher.

Thank you for not learning a craft, but it has become a kind of happiness. Thank you for letting me Know their value, thank you for helping me find their expertise, but let me do things better. Thank you for being a person I can never believe that will encounter difficulties in their life.

Singing is a blessing: teacher, happy holidays, never satisfied in learning, tireless in teaching, fragrant peach and plum, their music is happy and harmonious, I wish you a holiday Happy not only in today's teacher's day, but also tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, too good. I wish you every day, every minute, every second, the suce is always the same smile singing: teacher, you work hard with sweat, nurturing the tender buds of spring, just burst out of the ground, your care is like a warm spring, warm our hearts, let us guard your healthy growth, You have illuminated our hope, enriched our hearts and added our wisdom. Thank you, teacher.

I wish you health and happiness forever,.






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