
关于”我忙碌的周末“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My Busy Weekend。以下是关于我忙碌的周末的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”我忙碌的周末“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My Busy Weekend。以下是关于我忙碌的周末的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My Busy Weekend

My Busy Weekend


Last weekend, I had a very busy schedule. There were so many things to do and not enough time to relax. However, I managed to accomplish all my tasks and made the most of my time.


On Saay morning, I woke up early and started my day with some exercise. I believe that staying fit is important, so I went for a jog in the nearby park. The fresh air and scenic view helped to clear my mind and prepare me for the day ahead.


After breakfast, I had to attend a language workshop as I am an English teacher. The workshop was held at a local school and focused on effective teaching strategies. It was a great opportunity for me to enhance my skills and exchange ideas with other professionals in the field.


In the afternoon, I had to prepare for my upcoming English class. I needed to create lesson plans and gather materials for my students. It took a lot of time and effort, but I wanted to ensure that my students would have a productive and enjoyable learning experience.


On Sunday, I had a few more tasks to complete. I had promised a friend that I would help them with their English presentation. We met at a café and spent several hours going over their slides and practicing the delivery. It was rewarding to see my friend's confidence grow as we worked together.


In the evening, I finally had some time to relax and unwind. I enjoyed a quiet dinner at home and watched a movie. It was a well-deserved break after a hectic weekend.


Although my weekend was busy, I felt accomplished and satisfied with what I managed to achieve. It is important to make the most of our time and prioritize our tasks wisely. Even with a busy schedule, it is crucial to find moments of relaxation and self-care.



I am very busy on Saay morning. In the afternoon, I read and do my homework. In the evening, I clean the room.

On Sunday morning, I watch TV and movies, and play basketball with my good friends. We are very happy in the afternoon. In the evening, I go to the supermarket and I read a book about history.

This weekend, I am very tired.




I am very busy on Sunday morning. In the afternoon, I am reading and watching movies. In the evening, I rest in my room.

On Sunday morning, I watch TV and movies. In the afternoon, I play basketball with my good friends. We are very happy.

In the evening, I go to the market to buy some food. This week I go to the concert. I'm tired, but I like it.







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