




Dear, (1) you have asked me for relevant suggestions, and I will put forward some useful suggestions here (2) in my humble opinion, you will wisely take the following actions: ③ I hope you will find these suggestions useful, and I will be ready to discuss further details of this matter with you your sincerity, Li Ming.


亲爱的, ①您已经向我征求了有关的建议,我将在这里提出一些有益的建议 ②以我的拙见,您将明智地采取以下行动: ③我希望您会发现这些建议有用,我将准备与您讨论这件事的进一步细节 您的真诚, 李明。


Personal / informal letter sloppy / formal letter may 3, China xiaogoutou No.1 middle school, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, August 3, China speech in August, China greetings / salutes Dear Tom, dear dad, my dear Mr. Peter, my dear miss, respected lady, respected professor, respected doctor, dear Mr. Madame Bode Clean, complete, correct and your character end / end your life sign your family affection, your beloved son, affectionately love every one of you, your obedience: your sincerity, your friend, your sincerity, your sincerity, your sincerity, your respect, your BBC English, English magazine, BBC English radio and TV English, Guangdong Lu Bao, Hexi District, Tianjin, China Box Bush building, UK dear sir, I'm glad to read your English magazine.

I find it both interesting and rewarding. My most interesting part is looking for pen pals for English learners all over the world. My name is Wang Ying, a 17-year-old girl.

I spent my last year in school. My hobbies are stamp collecting, playing table tennis, sightseeing and learning English. Please put my name on the list of pen pals.

I hope their hobbies and ages are the same as mine. Thank you.




Your friend is getting married and he invited you to his wedding, but for some reason you can't go. Now write to explain why Monica dear Steve and Monica, thank you very much for inviting me to your wedding. Unfortunately, I can't attend Wendy.

I'm happy to say that Wendy is pregnant and the expected date of the baby is about the day you get married, Although she said that I could come by myself, I felt that it was the least I could do as a husband, that is to say, by her side, to take care of her after the baby was born, we all wanted to be a girl, and planned to call her Margaret after her grandmother, but if it was a boy, we were going to name him Frederick, except for us In addition to the name Wendy kenwendy, I would like to wish you both a happy life together. I hope to see you soon when Wendy is in good health. Don't forget to send us some photos.

Here's to us, Ken and Wendy.






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