
关于”旅游垃圾“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Travel trash。以下是关于旅游垃圾的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”旅游垃圾“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Travel trash。以下是关于旅游垃圾的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Travel trash

Travel Garbage


When people go on vacation or travel to a new destination, they often immerse themselves in the beauty and charm of the place, absorbing the local culture and experiencing unforgettable moments. However, amidst the excitement and enjoyment, people often overlook an important issue – travel garbage.


Travel garbage refers to the waste and rubbish generated by tourists during their trips. This includes plastic bottles, food packaging, cigarette s, and other non-biodegradable items. Unfortunately, travel garbage has become a significant environmental issue that threatens the beauty and sustainability of many tourist destinations.


The impact of travel garbage is devastating. It not only pollutes the natural environment but also endangers wildlife. Many animals mistake plastic and other trash for food, leading to their injury or even death. Moreover, the accumulation of garbage in popular tourist spots tarnishes their natural beauty and negatively affects the experience of future visitors.


To tackle the issue of travel garbage, it is essential for tourists to be responsible and adopt sustainable practices. Here are a few simple yet effective steps that can be taken:


1. Reduce waste: Avoid single-use plastics by bringing reusable water bottles and shopping bags. Opt for eco-friendly alternatives whenever possible.


2. Proper disposal: Dispose of waste in designated recycling or trash bins. Avoid littering and be mindful of the environment.


3. Partite in clean-up initiatives: Join local beach or trail clean-up activities to contribute to the preservation of the natural environment.


4. Spread awareness: Educate fellow travelers and locals about the importance of responsible tourism and the impact of travel garbage.


By taking these small steps, each traveler can make a significant difference and contribute to the preservation of our planet's natural resources and beauty.


In conclusion, travel garbage is a pressing issue that needs immediate attention. As tourists, it is our responsibility to minimize our environmental impact and protect the places we visit. Let us embrace sustainable practices and leave a positive footprint wherever we go.


Remember, every small action counts!



With the development of tourism, more and more people are visiting scenic spots. However, the increase in tourists also brings about an increase in garbage. Some tourists, unfortunately, have a bad habit of leaving their garbage behind. This has become a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

Firstly, littering in scenic spots harms the environment. The garbage, such as plastic bags, bottles, and food wrappers, can take decades or even centuries to decompose. During this time, they not only ruin the beauty of the scenic spot but also pose a threat to the wildlife. Animals may mistakenly eat the garbage, which can lead to their death.

Secondly, the accumulation of garbage in scenic spots can also cause health problems for both tourists and the local residents. Garbage attracts pests and insects, which can carry diseases. Moreover, the smell emitted by the garbage can be unpleasant and ruin the experience for visitors.

To tackle this problem, it is crucial to raise awareness among tourists about the importance of keeping the scenic spots clean. Signs and posters should be put up reminding tourists to properly dispose of their garbage and the consequences of littering. Additionally, authorities should increase the number of garbage bins and arrange regular cleaning services to ensure a clean environment for everyone.

In conclusion, the issue of garbage in scenic spots is a pressing problem. It not only harms the environment but also affects the health and experience of tourists. Therefore, it is vital for both tourists and authorities to work together to prevent and manage the issue of garbage in scenic spots. Only through collective efforts can we maintain the beauty and cleanliness of these sites.









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