
关于”老舍“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Lao She。以下是关于老舍的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”老舍“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Lao She。以下是关于老舍的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lao She

The Teahouse, written by Lao She, is a classic Chinese play that depicts the changing times of China from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the beginning of the Republican Era. The story is set in a teahouse in Beijing and captures the lives of various characters who frequent the establishment.

The play features a diverse cast of characters including a retired government official, a rich merchant, a student revolutionary, a Peking Opera singer, and the teahouse owner himself. Through their interactions, Lao She portrays the struggles and challenges faced by people from different social cl during a time of great political and social upheaval.

Despite their differences, the characters in The Teahouse share a common bond in their nostalgia for a simpler, more stable time in China's history. They long for the traditional values and culture that are being rapidly eroded by the modernization and Westernization efforts of the Republican government.

Through its powerful portrayal of human struggles and aspirations, The Teahouse remains a timeless masterpiece of Chinese literature that continues to resonate with readers today.






Lao She, A Master of Chinese Literature


Lao She was a famous Chinese writer who contributed greatly to modern Chinese literature. He was born in Beijing in 1899 and died in 1966. Lao She was a prolific writer, producing a large number of novels, plays, essays, and short stories during his lifetime.


Lao She's most famous works include "Teahouse," "Rickshaw Boy," and "Four Generations Under One Roof." These works reflect the social changes and political turmoil during the 20th century in China. Lao She's writing style is characterized by vivid descriptions, realistic dialogue, and a deep understanding of human nature.


Despite being persecuted during the Cultural Revolution in China, Lao She's legacy as a master of Chinese literature remains intact. His works have been translated into many languages and have been enjoyed by readers all over the world.


In conclusion, Lao She's contributions to Chinese literature are significant and his works continue to be read and studied by scholars and readers alike. He is a true master and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations of writers and readers.



LaoShe Teahouse is a famous play named after the people's artist and his LaoShe Teahouse. It is built in a large multi-functional comprehensive teahouse with a business area of more than square meters, which integrates Book tea, meal tea and teahouse. In the nostalgic and refined environment, you can enjoy a comprehensive Grand Theater integrating opera and opera, acrobatics and magic arts At the same time, you can use a variety of commodities, tea, palace boutiques, Beijing traditional snacks and Jingwei dishes.

Since the opening of the tea party, Laoshe Tea House has received several foreign heads of state, many celebrities and more than 10000 Chinese and foreign tourists. It is a window of fine products showing national cultural characteristics and a "bridge" connecting domestic and foreign friendship.







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