
关于”北京的变化“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The changes in Beijing。以下是关于北京的变化的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”北京的变化“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The changes in Beijing。以下是关于北京的变化的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The changes in Beijing

I want to go to a beautiful place. I think Beijing is not only our capital, but also a famous city with a long history and splendid culture. Beijing is also the political and cultural center of China.

There are many places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the summer palace, the Forbidden City, and the temple of heaven. Once you see Tiananmen Square, you will think of Beijing. It has been the symbol of Beijing ever since.




The Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games of Beijing has recently obtained the ISO Certificate. In other words, the environmental management system (EMS) established by BOCOG conforms to ISO: standards and requirements. The certificate issued by China National Environmental Certification Center in October covers BOCOG's office, activity route planning, venue planning, partner selection, hotel signing, etc Environmental management Liu Qi, chairman of BOCOG, passed the expert review in April.

After several months of pilot work, BOCOG began to establish an environmental management system. BOCOG passed the certification in September this year. The system will be implemented from now on to ensure that the preparation and holding of the scientific management Olympic Games of BOCOG will be the theme of the Beijing Olympic Games.

Green Olympics is based on The principle of sustainable development requires environment, conservation of resources, maintenance of ecological balance, strengthening of environmental infrastructure construction and improvement of ecological environment. Beijing will carry out extensive environmental publicity and education activities, leave rich environmental heritage environmental management manuals for China and the world sports organization, appoint environmental management representatives, and clarify the responsibilities of various departments of BOCOG, Training courses were held and some key environmental elements for each sector were identified.




Changes in Beijing

Beijing, the capital city of China, has undergone significant changes in recent years. These changes can be seen in various aspects of the city, such as infrastructure, transportation, and lifestyle.

One noticeable change is the improvement in transportation. With the construction of new subway lines and the expansion of the existing ones, the city's public transportation system has become more efficient and convenient. People can now easily travel around the city using the subway, which has greatly reduced traffic congestion and air pollution.

In terms of infrastructure, Beijing has also made remarkable progress. The city has witnessed the development of numerous modern buildings, including office buildings, shopping malls, and residential complexes. These new structures have not only added to the city's skyline but also provided more amenities and services to its residents.

Moreover, Beijing has experienced a shift towards a more modern lifestyle. The city now offers a wide range of entertainment options, such as international restaurants, cinemas, and music venues. People can easily indulge in various cultural activities and experience the diversity of the city's nightlife.

However, these changes have also brought some challenges. As the population increases and more people migrate to the city, housing prices have soared. Many locals are struggling to afford decent housing, leading to a growing wealth gap in the city.

In conclusion, Beijing has undergone significant changes in recent years, particularly in transportation, infrastructure, and lifestyle. While these changes have improved the quality of life for many residents, challenges such as rising housing prices still need to be addressed. Nonetheless, Beijing remains a vibrant and dynamic city, constantly evolving and adapting to the needs of its residents.












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