
关于”高级词汇“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advanced vocabulary。以下是关于高级词汇的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”高级词汇“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advanced vocabulary。以下是关于高级词汇的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advanced vocabulary

An Outstanding Student with Advanced English Vocabulary


As a meritorious student, I believe that mastering advanced vocabulary in English is crucial for one's academic success. By utilizing a diverse range of high-level expressions, learners can effectively convey their ideas, excel in language examinations, and truly stand out among their peers. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of advanced vocabulary, provide examples of such words, and highlight their benefits.





In conclusion, mastering advanced vocabulary is a necessary skill for becoming an outstanding student. Utilizing high-level expressions improves academic performance, enhances test scores, and distinguishes oneself among peers. As accomplished learners, we should continuously expand our vocabulary and strive to employ advanced words to elevate our English proficiency.


Advanced Vocabulary in English Writing


English writing is an essential aspect of our daily life. Whether at school or in the workplace, we need to write essays. In writing English essays, the use of advanced vocabulary can make the essay more lively and interesting, and can improve the quality of the essay. Below, we will explore how to use advanced vocabulary to write excellent English essays.


Firstly, advanced vocabulary includes various types, such as adjectives, adverbs, verbs, prepositions, etc., and we need to select them according to the specific situation. When using advanced vocabulary, we need to avoid overusing it, so as not to make the essay look flashy but not practical. At the same time, we also need to be careful in selecting appropriate advanced vocabulary to express ourselves, and avoid using inappropriate or incorrect advanced vocabulary.


Secondly, when using advanced vocabulary, we need to understand its meaning and usage. We can accumulate advanced vocabulary by consulting dictionaries or reading relevant articles. Learning advanced vocabulary can improve our language proficiency and make our essays more beautiful and fluent. In addition, we need to pay attention to the unciation and spelling of advanced vocabulary, so as not to affect the quality of the essay.


Finally, we need to boldly try to use advanced vocabulary in writing. Using advanced vocabulary can make the essay more diverse and reflect our language proficiency. Of course, when using advanced vocabulary, we also need to pay attention to the correctness of grammar and syntax. Only by combining advanced vocabulary with proper grammar can we create excellent English essays.


In conclusion, using advanced vocabulary can make our English essays more lively, interesting, and attractive. By constantly learning and using advanced vocabulary, we can improve our English proficiency and make our English essays more outstanding.


1. Ambivalent (矛盾的,含糊不清的)

My feelings about the new job offer were ambivalent: on one hand, the salary was much higher, but on the other hand, I loved my current job and didn't want to leave.


2. Conundrum (难题,谜)

The company faced a conundrum when deciding whether to invest in a new technology that could revolutionize their industry, but was also untested and risky.


3. Dichotomy (二分法,对立)

There was a dichotomy between the two political parties, with one advocating for individual rights and the other promoting government intervention in social issues.


4. Ephemeral (短暂的,转瞬即逝的)

The beauty of the cherry blossoms was ephemeral, lasting only a few brief weeks before they fell from the trees.


5. Facetious (滑稽的,不正经的)

His facetious remarks at the press conference drew laughter from the crowd, but were not well received by the serious journalists in attendance.


6. Hegemony (霸权,霸权主义)

Some countries accuse the United States of seeking hegemony in the world, trying to impose their political will on other nations.


7. Ineffable (难以言喻的,说不出的)

The beauty of the sunset was ineffable, leaving us speechless and in awe of nature's power.


8. Languid (慢慢的,倦怠的)

The hot summer day left us feeling languid and tired, longing for a cool breeze to lift our spirits.


9. Maelstrom (旋涡,)

The sudden announcement of the company's bankruptcy caused a maelstrom of panic and chaos in the stock market.


10. Nostalgia (怀旧之情,乡愁)

As I walked through the streets of my hometown, I felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me, remembering the happy memories of my childhood.






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