
关于”祝贺信“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Letter of congratulations。以下是关于祝贺信的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”祝贺信“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Letter of congratulations。以下是关于祝贺信的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Letter of congratulations

Congratulations on your birthday dear BABS: how about you? You're one year older today, and you don't want to be reminded. Congratulations and good luck. If you want to hold a celebration, can you let me take you to dinner and movies? As a kind of birthday treat, on the day you named, during the meal, many happy returns were ignored.

Tom congratulated you on your graduation ceremony. Dear Mr. Li: I learned from Wang Ying that you graduated from North China University with excellent grades yesterday.

I can fully imagine how proud your parents are now. They have been anxious to witness your brilliant achievements As far as I know, you will continue to study in the United States soon. I wish you greater success in your study and research.

I'd like to send you a sincere letter from Tom, expressing new year's greetings to you. Barton: as the new year is approaching, I'd like to take this opportunity to extend my greetings and best wishes to you, for I hope that in the new year, cultural exchanges between our two countries will be further increased, and we look forward to maintaining friendly relations with you, Tom, you are faithful.




Dear sandy, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to you on winning the first prize in the English competition for middle school students in the Olympic Games. I know that your English has always been very good. You are often praised by our English teacher and always ranked first in our class.

So I am very surprised that you can become the champion of this competition. However, in my opinion, this competition is very difficult, so I admire you more and more. Once again, my sincere congratulations to you, Mandy.




Congratulations to Wright dear Stan, it's good news that you have been promoted to vice president and chief personnel officer. Although this announcement is surprising, I am not only happy for you, but also among those who shout Hallelujah when the news is officially released. I am also glad that the personnel department is of great significance to the company, and the new nominal head of the company has been awarded the title of vice president, as you must know How do I feel about this, Stan.

I really like working with you. When it comes to imagination, ideas and relationships, your responsibility to me in the company is once in a blue moon. I will never regret the decision to join you sincerely.






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