
关于”如何拿“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How to take。以下是关于如何拿的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”如何拿“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How to take。以下是关于如何拿的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to take


1. 熟悉作文题型


2. 表达清楚


3. 用例子支持观点


4. 注意文法和拼写


5. 留出时间进行校对



How to Get High Score in English Composition

English composition is an important part of English exams, and how to get a high score is a concern for many English students. Here are some tips for getting a high score:

1. Be familiar with the types of composition questions

Before the exam, carefully study various types of composition questions and practice accordingly. When writing, make appropriate adjustments according to the requirements of the topic.

2. Express oneself clearly

When writing, use simple and clear language to express one's opinions, avoiding complex sentences and obscure words that might confuse examiners.

3. Use examples to support opinions

In writing, use examples to support one's opinions. This makes the article more persuasive and leaves a deeper impression on examiners.

4. Pay attention to grammar and spelling

Grammar and spelling are the most important aspects of English composition, so it's better to avoid errors. Before writing, practice more grammar and spelling exercises to avoid such errors.

5. Leave time for proofreading

After writing, set aside enough time for proofreading. This will help us find and correct errors, improve the overall quality of the article.

In short, getting a high score in English composition requires continuous practice and accumulation, paying attention to the clarity of the article, using examples, grammar, spelling, and other aspects. As long as we prepare carefully and follow the tips mentioned above, we can achieve good results in English composition.


We / I (we should note that, therefore, it is the time for the service industry to implement some applicable methods, so its competitive advantage will be effectively improved. However / therefore / for example / I believe other people, but their attitude is good, bad, many things, think, people, opinions are applicable, close, implement, improve their competitive advantage I'll never forget the day my mother bought me a computer as a birthday present. I'm addicted to the wonderful music night, to the wonderful ocean music, to feel that the whole world belongs to the same world, which makes someone have a great interest in something and a great interest in Google search.

At the beginning of the new century, with the progress of science and technology, computers are becoming more and more popular. As a kind of fashion, computers enter into today's society and attract more and more people. It is no exaggeration to say that we have been inundated by them, and to a large extent, the dawn of the new century has witnessed the growing popularity of more and more people.

With the development of progress, more and more people pour in (influx / influx) now (now) attract someone to be interested in more and more people. It can be said that we can, freely, at any time bit by bit search for the information we want, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our vision will be greatly broadened. In addition, we can chat, play games or email to get a lot of entertainment.

First of all, we can search freely. Our knowledge will be enriched and our vision will be greatly broadened.





From the chart, we can clearly see that in a big city of China, the average number of hours students spend online per week has increased from less than two hours in the past to nearly four hours in, and then to 24 hours. From the chart, we can clearly see that in a big city in China, the state.






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