
关于”时态语态总结表格“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A summary table of tenses and voices。以下是关于时态语态总结表格的八年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”时态语态总结表格“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A summary table of tenses and voices。以下是关于时态语态总结表格的八年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A summary table of tenses and voices

Well, I really don't understand what your requirements are, but I try to have two types of customer service levels in this table. Type a only went up in the middle of the year, while type B increased in the middle of the year. Obviously, we can see that both have produced good results, but type a is better than type B because its shape has been upgraded in one year.




Passive Voice in English Writing


Passive voice is a grammatical construction that is commonly used in English writing. Unlike active voice, where the subject of the sentence performs the action, passive voice emphasizes the action that is done to the subject. Understanding and using passive voice correctly can add variety and sophistication to your writing. In this article, we will explore the concept of passive voice and provide tips on how to use it effectively.


In passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action rather than performing it. The basic structure of a passive sentence is: subject + auxiliary verb (be) + past participle (main verb) + optional prepositional phrase. For example, "The cake was baked by my mom."

在被动语态中,句子的主语接受动作而不是执行动作。被动句子的基本结构为:主语 + 助动词(be)+ 过去分词(主要动词) + 可选介词短语。例如:“这个蛋糕是我妈妈烤的。”

Passive voice can be used for various reasons. It is often used when the subject is not important or when the writer wishes to emphasize the action rather than the doer. Additionally, passive voice can be effective when the doer of the action is unknown or unimportant. For example, "The bank was robbed yesterday."


To effectively use passive voice, consider the following tips:


1. Use passive voice sparingly: While passive voice can add variety to your writing, it is important not to overuse it. Active voice is generally more direct and engaging for readers.

1. 适度使用被动语态:尽管被动语态可以给你的写作增添变化,但过度使用被动语态是不可取的。主动语态通常更直接而引人入胜。

2. Identify the receiver of the action: In passive voice, it is essential to clearly identify who or what is receiving the action. This helps to avoid confusion and maintain clarity in your writing.

2. 确定动作的接受者:在被动语态中,清晰地确定谁或者什么是接受动作的对象是至关重要的。这有助于避免混淆并保持写作的清晰性。

3. Choose strong verbs: Passive voice often leads to the use of weak verbs. To make your writing more powerful, try to use strong verbs whenever possible.

3. 选择有力的动词:被动语态通常导致使用弱动词。为了使你的写作更有力量,尽可能使用有力的动词。

4. Rewrite passive sentences: In some cases, passive voice can make sentences sound wordy or awkward. If possible, consider rewriting the sentence in active voice for better flow and readability.

4. 重写被动句子:在某些情况下,被动语态可能会使句子听起来啰嗦或尴尬。如果可能的话,可以考虑将句子改写为主动语态,以使流畅度和可读性更好。

In conclusion, understanding and utilizing passive voice can enhance your English writing skills. By carefully selecting when and how to use passive voice, you can create a more diverse and sophisticated piece of writing. Remember to aim for clarity and purpose in your writing, whether you choose active or passive voice.



This exam, I finally became poor. I began to reflect that I had every reason to be nervous and anxious when I took the exam. I came up with several ways to answer the questions.

Don't rush to write them. First, list the main steps to solve the problems on the draft paper, and then follow the steps step by step. Don't ignore every detail.

Try to answer every question is too full, usually Do some different types of questions, most of which will be more familiar. We must get the paper and do some exercises in my heart. I think if I can do the above points, I will test the mistakes to the minimum.

Therefore, I will try my best to do the above points. But I think it is not enough to rely on the above points. I have a few scientific tests Test skills, so, I put forward a few points according to my actual situation: first, get the test paper, the examination paper should be evaluated as a whole, and then look at which subjects are easier and which subjects are more difficult.

Second, starting from a simple topic, it is easy to get those that account for the whole score. Third, when you encounter a problem, you can't write it out immediately. Don't stare at the problem and ignore it Omit other questions, should be done before finishing the question, answer the fourth point: after the examination, check carefully to see if you have copied the wrong question or the next time, I will try my best to do the best.






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